Talking to Chat

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A/N: Sorry this chapter is kinda short.

Sunday night Marinette looked over what she had packed.

"I think I'm ready Tiki," she told her Kwami.

Tiki nodded.

"Don't forget to let Chat know you'll be gone," she reminded her holder.

"Oh yeah!" Marinette exclaimed because she is like me and had totally forgotten.

"Tiki, SPOTS ON!" She shouted and transformed into Ladybug.

"Chat should be out on patrol," she mumbled to herself as she went out on her balcony and used her yo-yo to swing into the city.

She finally found her partner sitting on the Eiffel Tower.

"Hey Chat," she said sitting down next to him.

"Hey LB," Chat replied.

"You're hair looks kinda... different," he finally said.

"I- changed it."


Bob of them sat in silence for a minute until Ladybug spoke.

"I'm going to be away for three weeks on a mission," she told him (making up the part about the mission).

"Me too," Chat said, "my class is going to China."

Ladybug looked at him in surprise. Her class was the the only one going to China for three weeks in the country (if what her teacher said was true), so did that mean Chat was in her class? (Yes oblivious people it does)

"Chat who's your teacher at school?" she asked him curiously.

Chat hesitated, " I thought we weren't supposed to tell each other our identities or about our lives."

"You're right," Ladybug shook her head coming back to her senses, "Sorry for asking."

They sat in awkward silence for a few minutes before Ladybug broke it by saying, "I'll see you in three weeks," and swinging home. She landed on her balcony and detransformed, walking into her room.

"Do you think Chat is in my class at school?" Marinette asked Tiki.

"I don't know but it's possible," Tiki shrugged.

Marinette sighed and changed into her pajamas before flopping onto her bed exhausted. She layed there for only a minute before falling into an uncomfortable sleep.

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