Rescue Mission

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Marinette's POV

Akane gave me a quick grin before making her way back to Li. He gave her and I a suspicious look, but we just shrugged innocently. Shaking his head, he gave me a warning look before turning back to his conversation with Winter.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance at his lack of belief in me as our class descended a thin stone staircase. As we walked into the first dungeon corridor where the minor criminals were kept, though, I was instantly alert and ready.

Kai stopped us at the end of the first hallway, and the class stared at the solemn people in the cells. I winced as I saw their torn and filthy clothes noticed how thin they were. Although my father had always upheld the law, his prisoners were at least fed properly and treated like human beings. But the men and women here had clearly not received the same kindness.

As Kai and the class walked into the room they scuttled into the damp corners of the cells, huddling together like mice. When Kai began a speech about liberty and the importance of strict leadership, I had to tear my eyes away from them and focus on the task at hand.

Examining the room, I noticed that the guards in the room seemed tired and bored, despite the way they stood up straight to impress my brother. There were only three of them in this room, all of which were about a head taller than me. To my left was a corridor with a door at the end that I knew led deeper into the dungeons, and the keys were on a hook by the door. I smirked. This was too easy.

For a moment I wondered: should I try this as Ladybug or Marinette? If I was Ladybug it'd be obvious I didn't belong, but if I was still me I could steal a guard uniform and avoid anyone knowing I was there.

I nodded my head as I made a decision. If I walked in dressed as a superhero and started attacking people Kai might call the entire army to fight me, and then I'd be captured for sure.

Quietly, I inched towards the other hallway and hid around the corner. Peeking out, I looked over the group and saw with relief that no one had noticed I'd left.

Except for one boy, who was staring at me with wide, green eyes.

Cursing, I quietly ran down the hallway and took the keys off of the hook. Oh god, if Adrien told anybody he saw me...

I shoved the large, brass key into the lock turned it as quietly as possible. I took one last glance behind me before slipping into the next room.

Adrien's POV

I watched in shock as Marinette snuck into a corridor on the side of the main hallway. We were in the dungeons, and while King Kai spoke to us about China's laws and policies, I was busy observing the bluenette beauty at the back of the group.

Or was it brunette? She'd dyed her hair before we left for the trip, and no one knew why. Except maybe Alya...

I shook my head. Focus Adrien.

Marinette stuck her head out of the corridor and looked around carefully. Her eyes widened when she saw me staring at her.

She quickly retreated back into the hallway, and I heard her mutter, "Stupid banana boy!" and some other not-so-nice words about my health and hair. I had to suppress my laughter as I reminded myself that this was actually a serious situation.

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