So far apart from real life.

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(Y/N P.O.V)

When Connor complimented my comment on how he knew big words, (I'm a big kid now) I started to giggle. "Miss hurt herself, why are you giggling?" 'Cause your a cute idiot' "Nothing your just.. funny". I struggled to get those words out. Pain only if the pain wasn't there. "Dwarf?? Are you okay. Y/N!" Connor tried to snap me back from the unwanted slumber. Nothing, I passed straight out.


I looked like I was having a good time. 'What?' I thought. I'm not ever happy, only putting on my fake smile. "Y/N come on." Who is that?? Connor. wait what he doing here. "Yes, honey?" What did I just call him? Honey, I didn't recall being a bee so wh-. I'm freaking dreaming about the douche. "Want to take the dog with us to your parents house? or want to bring the babies toys?" Baby? I looked down at a blanket with a five month old baby on it. (E/C) eyes, black hair, freckles, tan skin, has vitiligo, red outfit with footies on his feet. "He's beautiful." I suddenly blurt out. "I know, I love that he looks like both of us in his own way." Connor states. I blush, "bring the dog, the baby has his toys at their house." Connor nods and walks away. As I'm packing the car memories rush through my mind. I heard church bells ring, I heard a choir singing, I saw my love walk down the aisle. On her finger he placed a ring. I saw them holding hands. She was standing there with my man. I heard a promise till death do us part. His words were a pain to my heart. All I could do was cry...

A wedding Connor had a beautiful black tux, red tie and black and red shoes. My dress was long but beautiful, fit my body just right and had red and pink roses all over the back and wrapping around my legs. Then I see a honeymoon Connor tells me he quit smoking for the baby that's about to come into the world soon. Then it turns to a hospital, nurses and obgyn's everywhere, my pregnancy was a miracle and everything above, we named him Amel. Jumping to a car ride while I was still pregnant, A girl was driving my friend I guessed, she looked drunk, she was swerving, we hit a truck everything went silent. Then it went black.
I was losing the man that I loved....
~Dream over~

I woke up to a horrible feeling in my head. Accompanied by a smell of weed. Connor, of course. 'Where am I now?' "Your wake in my room, you passed out on the couch, pain?" I nodded "Can I have a hit?" I pointed at the joint Connor randomly had. "Sure." He handed me the joint "Strong." I was more used to cigarettes. "Has anyone ever caught you?" I asked of course the bland response a nod. "Last week my mom wanted to take Zoe and I to a family event in Cherryfeild and she caught me. But then she flipped and cancelled everything. I'm going into counseling now." I giggled "what was your response?" He shrugged "I just flipped her off and then went for a walk."

Connor's P.O.V (finally)

When I first meet Y/N she was pretty. I liked her eyes and smile. After the dumbass cut her leg and this shit happened I started to think. Something I rarely do. 'Why would an amazing woman who can make a room light up be bullied. Outcasts by her own best friend and then become emo? Then want to actually be nice to me?' But damn was she cute. ("CHEESY AND IM LACTOSE INTOLERANT SO DANG" "Shut up Emily I'm trying to tell them how much I like them" "don't forget that I'm your girlfriend in a different book so haha" "got me there") After twenty minutes of healing her wounds and talk she passes out of exhaustion and pain. She laughs in her sleep. She starts to make silly faces. Confused about the dream she's having, I pick her up and bring her to my room.

"So your coming upstairs if you like it or not so shut the fuck up okay." I know she can't hear me but meh. I set her on my bed but then go to my closet. I see my weed, razor blades, and hoodies. Normal closet?? (Hell no, I don't have one so maybe) I get out a joint and start to smoke it. I look at the clock, 10:40 three hours till the end of school. Fun. I look back at Y/N she was shaking and her face expression went from happy to saddened and then dark and hurt. She shot up, "Are you okay?" Didn't hear me. "Oh your awake." "Where am I." I was surprised but didn't show it. "My room you passed out on the couch."


Words count: 821

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