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(Opening the story back up cause it's been what? Two years? I know there's a lot of typos in the other chapters but idk)

(Topics of depression and bipolar)
Your P.O.V
Connors therapist told me to start tracking his progress and findings. So I'm a 23 year old with a diary. Anyways.
It's been a two years since Connor has been really himself. He seems.. distant. Like he's in his own little world and doesn't want to come back out again. His depression is off and on. I decided mid December last year that he needs to see a therapist. It was a hard year. I'm summary I had no idea what fights he was battling.

Day to day life was hard for him. He would at most go outside for a drink from the gas station. It's hard. Really hard. I love him to death but it's like taking care of a baby that never smiles or moves. A vegetable.

I'm doing okay. I've been struggling but it's so rewarding to help him come back to life again. Honestly. I don't know if he could live without me. I got a new job in the city building, a secretary for the mayor. He gives me the heebie -jeebies. It's hard leaving Connor everyday. Extremely hard for him. We're living.

Today Connor hung out in the living room. Usually he stays in bed all day. Sitting in silence or listening to music to help the awful thoughts and voices in his head. Millions of people having conversations and 100's of concerts in his mind constantly. The therapist suggested a specialist that is trained to work with people with bipolar and depression. She's been helping a lot. We've been going through trials of new medicine to see if it would help any. One out of 15 has helped a lot. Hopefully he'll be back to my beautiful boy!

I was able to convince Connor to get up and go outside yesterday. To play with our new dog King. He's a pit bull service dog. Helps Connor with his bipolar and depression. He helps to an extent. I'm happy to have the company King brings to our house.

   I really just want my life to go back on track. Connor to be happy and stable. Us to get married and start a family. 6 years together makes you seem crazy. I'm gonna stick with him until he's better. I swear I will.

I put down the notebook filled with many pages of our lives. To only here the squeak of our bed on the floor. Followed by scattered footsteps on hard floor. Only to see my love walk down the stairs messy hair and sweatpants on. Even so messy he's so handsome. "How you feeling babe?" he exhibited a expression on his face of pure grogginess. "I'm alright, its a lot better. No sound in my head. Better then ever before." I smiled trying not to expose my undying happiness. "Well I'm really happy to hear that babe." I got up from my seat to hug him. See contact helps a lot. The small things matter in his condition. He smiled with his pearly white teeth. I missed his smile. "So what's for dinner." He asked with a smile staying. "I actually have no idea what to make." I pulled away from the hug, looking him deep in his eyes. "Any ideas?" he stood in his thoughts for a minute. "I really want to eat some chicken tenders." he smirked "Fine we will have that." He jumped a bit for joy like a toddler getting McDonald's.

   (Fast forward two hours)

Connor sat waiting on the couch with his favorite show on. He stood comfortably with a blanket on his slender body. He turned the subtitles on so he can focus on one thing and not a bunch of thoughts at once. Done! I stood looking at my wonderful creations. Chicken tenders with sautéed green beans and baked broccoli with sweet potato fries. "Connor! It's done." He groaned pausing his show and getting up to meet me in the kitchen. He served himself and sat back down on the living room. I set my plate then got out Kings food.

Sitting down next to Connor we sat happily for a while watching his show "The Resident" I mean I liked it too I showed it to him. I looked at him for a couple seconds before looking at my plate. I'm glad he's feeling okay now. It's big progress. The ding of my phone erupted my mind from the show. I liked at my phone only to find a unknown number calling. I got up so Connor wouldn't worry. Walking into the kitchen I picked up the phone. "Hello?" "Hey doll, you miss me? I hear your pretty little boy isn't in the best condition. Awe so sad. Isn't it? Anyways you're a little whore for leaving me out of your life for so long. Ha it's so funny how you did that. You get what's coming to you." I recognized the voice. It was Jack. Before I ever meet Connor I had Jack. First boyfriend, he was really controlling and obsessive. He would control who I was friends with, who I talked to, would beat up anyone that even looked at me. When Connor and I where first together Jack came back into my life. I never told Connor. Other then that one time he saw my phone from an unknown number texting disgusting threats. "Jack what the hell do you want?" I said in a angry whisper. "Oh Y/N how I've missed you dearly." I was beyond pissed at this point. "Listen here Jack if you even come near me or him I swear. Leave me alone." I hung up the phone. Making sure to block the number.

Walking back into the living room Connor's eyes met with mine. "Hey what's wrong. Who was that calling you?" I shook my head. "It was a telemarketer, wanted to sell me insurance." I lied. "They always want you to buy something or get something from you." He said I laughed. "Yeah"


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