Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

When I went to school on Tuesday I felt so alone. I hadn't seen Myles or Mel all day so I was forced to talk to my secondary friends Darii (D-are-y) and Leah. "Did you do your homework, Ice?" Darii asked. "Hell no! I had the absolute worst weekend!" She laughed. "Neither did I, and my weekend was bad too." "What happened?" I asked. She sighed and looked around the room. "Tyler broke up with me. He said he had feelings for someone else." I hugged her "Awww boo I'm so sorry. You guys were together for what, three years?" She nodded no "Actually it's four. We started dating freshman year." I didn't know what to say but I wanted to help. "Forget him!" I smiled "Who needs boys anyways?" She giggled and just as we were about to bring up another subject Wyatt walked in and kissed me on the cheek. I blushed and looked at him. "Hey" He smiled wide and I smiled back out of politeness. "What are you doing in here?" I whispered. "I'm just saying hey to you!" He waved at Darii and she waved back with her mouth wide open. "I think we have lunch together today, I'll text you." I nodded my head and he ran out of my class. Our teacher was looking at me but she didn't say anything and she continued on with the lesson. Darii pinched me and laughed. "Ouch! Why pinch me?" I rubbed my arm. "You didn't tell me you were dating Wyatt Fields!" She whispered. "We're not dating!" I assured her, but I to was confused about what had just happened. "Mhmm" She said in a smart tone. "Not dating yet as far as I can tell. I punched her arm and we laughed. "Girls, shut it!" Our teacher snapped and Darii raised her finger. "Señora, how do you say shut it in spanish?" "Callate." She answered back in a smart tone. "Callate señora!" Darii shouted and the entire class laughed except the teacher of course. I had no idea how cool she really was. Probably because I spent all of my time worried about Mel. It was nice to have another person to talk to. When the class period ended lunch was coming up and Darii and I met up with Leah. "What lunch do you guys have?" I asked them both. "C." Darii said. "I have A." Leah said smiling. "I have C, too." Leah looked down as if she was really upset. "Leah you okay? I'm fine, don't worry about it. I have to get to lunch anyways. She walked off in the opposite direction. "What the hell is bugging her?" I asked Darii. "I never know with that girl anymore. She used to be real cool and then she started doing heroin, acid and free base. I don't even know how to talk to her to be honest. Glad I have you." She smiled and I smiled back. "I'm glad I have you too."

I saw Wyatt in the cafeteria and he waved Darii and I over to his table with some of his basketball friends. I hated sitting with them because they always commented on my ass or tried to hit on me. I didn't want to bring Darii over there either because she was extremely pretty and foreign; she was from Afghanistan. "Hey boo." Wyatt said kissing my cheek. That shit was starting to get a little weird. Darii and I sat down and the boys just stared. "Well hello hello hello, ladies." One of them said. I looked at Darii and she looked at me and we both bursted out laughing. "What's so funny?" he said. "You're trying so hard right now. It's not even cute." Darii said, verbalizing exactly what I was thinking.  She really was cool. "Ain't nobody trying for ya'll fuck outta here." "What's your name?" I said. "Cylis" (Psy-lis) "and this is Donte, Rob and Brian." They all waved and we waved back. Before lunch was over we were all laughing and joking like we had known each other forever. "I feel like if you're gonna get caught on video sucking dick, you can't be mad cus you shouldn't of done it in public!" Donte said. "But what if it wasn't in public?" I countered. "Then you should know if you on video or not for sure. People crazy these days!" We all laughed and I got up to throw out my tray. I saw Myles walking by and I knew it was now or never to talk to him because he wasn't answering my texts or calls. "Myles!" I shouted but he kept walking. He was being an asshole for no reason! I know he heard me! I followed him down the hallway until he turned into the bathroom: the only place I couldn't go. "Really, Myles?" I yelled in the bathroom pouting. "A nigga has to pee." He hadn't said two words to me since Saturday, and his first were a nigga has to pee? Oh come on! "You don't even have to pee, you just ran in here so I would stop following you." "Well it worked." he said. I was starting to get upset. "Can you come out here and talk to me, damn!" I was getting loud so I cleared my throat and calmed down. "Why don't you go back to Wyatt. He's probably losing his mind looking for you." I frowned still waiting for him to come out of the bathroom. I heard the sink turn on so he should have been leaving soon. "I'm not worried about Wyatt and he's not worried about me." I said lying. "I know you're lying but whatever." Shit! How the hell did he know I was lying? He came out of the bathroom and looked at me. "Why have you been avoiding me, Myles?" I asked starting to get emotional. I was so happy to see him and actually hear his voice. "Because..." He looked away and I followed his eyes. "Because what Myles? And why did you kick me out of your house? What's going on?" He sighed. "Can I come over tonight? I'd rather not do this right now to be honest." I scoffed. "Fine. Come over then." I said with an attitude. He walked away without even saying goodbye and I was hurt. The lunch bell rang and I walked back towards the cafeteria to find Darii. "Hey girl where'd you go?" She asked me with her arm interlocked with Dontes. "I was just talking to someone." I faked a smile and she let go of Dontes arm to walk with me. "What's really wrong honey?" she asked looking at me. "It's just so much going on right now I'm really confused. She rubbed my back and stopped when she saw Rhea walking past us laughing with her girls. I looked up too. "What are you two staring at?" Rhea said. "Your dusty ass. It makes me sick and I just ate." Darii said with an attitude. "Whatever I don't need this. What's your problem?" She asked me. "Nothing." I said gritting my teeth. "Good because I didn't care." She laughed and I started to catch a temper. "Why don't you go drink acid?" Darii said to her and she walked off. I saw Melany run after Rhea and hug her. Wait. These bitches are friends? She looked at me and shook her head at Darii and I. Darii was hot headed, even more than I so she took it personally, not knowing it was probably towards me. "If there's something wrong with your face bring it over here so I can fix it." Darii said rolling her neck. Note to self: never fuck with an Afghan girl, they are hard-fucking-core. "I'm not worried about you little girl." Mel said and Darii scoffed. "Hey Mel." I said thinking she would take my kindness. "Fuck you." Her, Rhea and their goons ran off and I was too pissed. So was Darii.

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