Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

I didn't know what to do as I watched him on my stairs with his head in his hands. I wanted to console him but I was honestly too stubborn to speak. I ignored him and reached over him to unlock my front door. I lifted my left leg to walk over him and he grabbed it. I couldn't tell if he was crying or if it was just the rain on his face. "Were you really going to just ignore me?" He asked looking up at me confused. Uh obviously I was. "What am I suppossed to say to you, Myles? You kicked me out of your life for something better." He got up and held my hand and I frowned at him but I didn't take my hand away. "You know Lianne doesn't compare to you in my eyes. But I had to do it, for my mother." This is gonna sound mean, but that excuse was starting to piss me off. "I understand, but you're pretty convincing. Plus we haven't talked in weeks, so what are you really hear about?" He didn't answer me and I was having too good of a day to deal with him. "Okay well when you're ready to actually talk you can call me, bye." He didn't let go of my hand even though I was walking into my house. He followed me in and I wasn't in a romantic mood. It wasn't cute. "Oh my God Myles what do you want?!" I shouted, thank the Lord my mom wasn't home. "I want you, and you know I do I'm just in a really tight position." He tried to kiss me but I moved my face and folded my arms at him. "I'm in a tight spot too you know, it's not just you! Besides this is your fault!" This was the longest he and I had ever argued and nothing was going to stop me from getting all of my problems out. "My fault? I love my mother with all of my heart Isys and you know that. Granted, I'm making the situation complicated but I'm no--" I punched him in the chest and as usual it did nothing. "You're making it complicated for no damn reason Myles! If you would just end it with me for good we wouldn't have this damn problem! Stop running back to me after she kicks you out!" His eyes widened "How'd you know she kicked me out?" I sucked my teeth and went to sit on the couch "Nigga I didn't until just now." I was fuming but he was calm. "Are you mad that she kicked me out?" I looked over at him still soaking wet standing by the door "Kind of, I mean it's only your mother's house and I'm sure she would like her son there. Regardless of what that huzzy wants!" I kept yelling at him although I had already turned around. "I told you I'm not taking any chances with upsetting her. She's all my mother has besides me and I can't risk her hurting my mom." "Okay, okay, okay I get it. But it sounds like you're here because you have nowhere else to go. I'm not going to be your back up girl okay?" I got up and walked over to him and scoffed, then I opened the door and pointed out of it. I felt bad about kicking him out as I listened to the harsh rain and thunder but I was going to be stern. "Myles get out. And I'm serious." He put his head down and began walking out. "I love you Isys." He said glancing over at me. I was hesitant about saying it back, something was telling me not to although I still did love him. "I love you too." I said and flashed a quick smile "Then let me stay, please." I knew I shouldn't have said a damn thing. "Myles I'd love to let you stay but th--" He walked back in the house which stopped my train of thought. "Then what's stopping you? I'm admitting everything to you, I've told you nothing but the truth and I'm still being rejected?" He made me feel like I was the bad guy because he was right. I knew the situation and somehow I still blamed him. "It's just.... I-I-I.... Myles, I..." I couldn't stop myself from crying and he walked over and hugged me but that didn't help. "Ice I love you, that's not changing no matter what she says. I didn't mean to make you cry if you really want me to leave I will, no more questions." I was using his shirt to dry my tears which was stupid because it was soak and wet but I shook my head no with my forehead still on his chest. "Do you want me to stay?" I tried to think of the pros and cons but I was too emotional for that too! "Mhmm.." I said sniffling. Myles carried me to my room and put me under my covers. I was happy he was staying but upset I didn't stand my ground. "I'd lay down with you but I obviously can't." He pulled at his shirt and jeans that were clinging to his firm body. How could this possibly be sexy? "Go into the hallway closet and get a towel and in my moms bottom black dresser drawer she has a draw filled with T-shirts from men she's had sleepovers with." I chuckled but it wasn't a lie. "Wait you want me to wear other mens shit? Chill I'm not a girl." He laughed. "Well you're not getting in this bed wet or naked so you can sit on the floor." I was serious "You wanna bet?" He started to crawl on the bed towards me and I pulled the sheets over my head. I felt him tugging at the covers and laughing but it wasn't funny to me. "Myles I'm serious. Floor or drawer." I said through the covers. "Okay I'll go get a stupid shirt." I felt him get up and I heard him walk away so I took the covers off of my head. After a few minutes I saw him walk back in and smile at me. I smiled back and felt my phone vibrate.

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