Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Just as Shae opened her mouth the nurse came in "Alright that's enough visiting. Move out soldiers." We all got up and kissed Shae and left. Myles held my hand as we walked past Chiaz's room and I prayed he wasn't looking. "Where's Sean?" I asked, forgetting about the reason we were all here. "Dead." Myles said in a cold voice "He's been dead since about five minutes after he got here." I looked at him and held his face. "Are you okay?" I asked and he nodded. Another nurse came up to me. "Come on, back to bed." She said. It was around twelve am and I knew everyone was tired. "I'm coming." I said and the nurse walked into my room. "Mom are you going to stay?" I asked and she shook her head no. "Baby girl if they would let me I would, but apparently we have to leave." I nodded and walked to my bed. I layed down and the nurse turned off my light and closed my door. I wanted this nightmare to be over it was the worst feeling I had ever felt, knowing so many people close to me were hurting. I knew that when Darii and her parents got here, they would lose their minds too. I eventually fell asleep with my thoughts, alone, quiet and drowning in my own tears.

When I woke up the next morning my mom, Darii, Aiden and Myles were standing around my bed. "Hey baby!" Darii said smiling. That was the quietest she had ever been since I met her! "Hey... How are you?" I asked. "I'm good. Knowing that son of a bitch is dead." I smiled and she tied the balloons she was holding to my bed. "Thank you, and I'm sorry." I said weakly. "Girl hush. I still love you." She smiled and kissed my cheek. "We have a suprise for you!" Myles said smiling from ear to ear. "It's not the flowers?" I asked seeing the gorgeous bouqet of roses he was holding. "Okay there's two suprises." He laughed "But you have to get up to see it." My mom said smiling and I nodded my head. Myles helped me out of the bed and Darii helped me put my slippers on."Guys I'm not ninety. I can do these things on my own." I said putting my hand on my hip. "Not according to your chart!" Aiden shouted and everyone laughed.

Everyone was walking behind me and Myles had his hands over my eyes. "What is it I hate suprises!" I joked and when he moved his hands away from my face I saw his mom smiling in a wheel chair waiting for me to hug her. I smiled from ear to ear and bent down to give her the biggest hug. "How's my baby doing?" She asked in the sweetest voice. "I'm fine ma. What're you doing out of bed? You're far from Blackjack." I said smiling. "I had to come see you. I don't know why they keep me cooped up in the house like an old bat!" She yelled and I laughed. "Can I tell you something?" She asked and I nodded my head "I don't blame you, if you don't want my son back. He's done much more harm than good. But  atleast try being his friend." I nodded my head in agreement and gave her a big kiss on the cheek. I said goodmorning to Akiia and Shae who were up as well, although they were both in wheel chairs. We were all talking about having breakfast together and I turned to look at Chiaz's door. It was closed. I grabbed the shirt of the closest person to me, it was Aiden's. "Hey, hey w-why's Chi's door closed?" I asked regretfully. He cleared his throat and nudged Myles next to him. I looked at Myles "Why is his door closed? Is he asleep?" Myles took in a deep sigh and bit his lip. "H-he's dead." Myles said quietly and I nodded my head as if he had asked me a question. "Oh.... okay." I said. I walked back into my room and sat in one of the chairs. Myles was right behind me and he sat next to me. "Ice...." He didn't have any words to say "I'm fine. Please.... Just don't. I'm fine." He looked at me and I smiled. "I'm fine, really." I lied. "Was that homeboy who you was with when we broke up?" I didn't need him to get all up in his fuckin feelings right now."Yea." I said and he sucked his teeth. "He seemed like a really good guy." He got up and left, closing the door behind him. I wanted to run up to the nearest nurse and tell her to make him well again, I wanted to strangle someone for not making him better but most of all, I wanted to cry. And yet... I couldn't. I had used up all my tears, probably on myself. I used to spend so much time crying about my own petty problems that I didn't have anymore left for the person who deserved most- if not all of them. My mom came in to see if I still wanted to go to breakfast but I couldn't bring myself to accept. I was in too much pain. "I love you baby." She said and she kissed my nose. "I love you too mommy." I said and she left. I was becoming all too familiar with these same hospital walls, the same hospital bed and the same hospital turmoil...


It was the beginning of August. Soon we would all be going off to school, or our new full time jobs. But right now, we were going to pay our respects at Chiaz's funeral. Each of our parents agreed to pitch in a little bit to help, considering the fact that both of his parents died when he was very young, something I never knew myself. But Myles and his mother put in the most money. I found that extremely kind of him, on the account that Chiaz was his only true competition when it came to winning me over. I cried at the funeral and as I placed my flowers I fell to my knees and rubbed the ground that he layed under. Darii rubbed my back and helped me up "I'm sorry boo. I know how hard this is for you." She was crying too as she tried to console me, and I tried to fake a smile to make her feel better. I saw Akiia sitting in her parents car and I walked over and opened the door. "Hey boo." I said smiling and hugging her tight. "Hi!" She was literally something else. She must have repressed what had happened because she was still acting the same. I knew that what Sean did would eventually come back to haunt her, but I didn't want to think about it.  "How you feeling?" I asked and she put two thumbs up "Good! I'm just sleepy!" It was around four and it was also around her naptime. I kissed her cheek "Put on your seatbelt and nap in the car, and then when you get home, you can nap again!" I laughed and she nodded her head. I closed the door and began to cry again. I hated leaving her alone after what had happened I literally had to tell myself to walk away from her now.

Shae was hugging Aiden and whispering kind words in his ear. He lost his brother and it was eating away at him slowly. Darii and Donte were still standing at his grave praying in silence while Lianne and Wyatt stood at there car. I walked over to hug Wyatt and he hugged me back. I still had nothing to say to Lianne but she grabbed my shoulder as I tried to walk away. "Isys..." She said and I looked at her. "I'm sorry for everything I've caused you. You don't have to forgive me, but I am sorry." I nodded and gave her a hug. I couldn't bring myself to really hold a conversation with her crazy ass. Myles was sitting on top of his car as my mom pulled off. I sat next to him and didn't say anything. "You good?" He said pulling me close to him. "Yea... I feel a lot better I mean, It's been what? Almost a month now?" He nodded and kissed me. Shae walked over to me and everyone else followed her. They crowded around Myles' car and he and I thought they were gonna riot or something. "Uh... What's going on here?" I asked looking at all of them...

"Remember when I said I had something to tell you all in the hospital?" Shae said with her head down and I nodded my head. She sighed and looked at Aiden who still had tears on his cheeks. "Well. I don't need anymore secrets. And.... I did it." I looked at Darii and she shrugged her shoulders. Everyone was confused. "You uh.... Did what babe?" Darii asked her and she bit her cheek. "I killed Rhea." I looked up at the sky and frowned. When did a cemetary become a great place to announce you killed someone? "Why?" Myles asked with a straight face and I looked at him. That's right. I was supposed to start asking why more. "Because she was a horrible sister." Darii rolled her eyes "She was a horrible friend too." And I punched her. "Shh!" I said putting my finger to my lips. "Her and Sean started dating when we were fifteen. But she wouldn't have sex with him. I remember when he told her that if he was going to stay with her, she would either sleep with him, or find someone who would. That someone was me." My jaw dropped and everyone else had the same disgusted expression on their faces. "She used to let him... Rape me and never say anything. Because she wanted him to stay with her. Most of the time she was in her room watching tv or painting her fingernails when she would hear my screams, but she never did anything." I was so angry with Rhea but it wasn't like any of us could do a damn thing as much as we wanted to. "I wish I could kill her again." Darii said and I let the comment go, it was what everyone was thinking anyways. "I didn't mean to kill her. I meant to kill him. She was trying to hold me down one night and  she got in the way of me stabbing him. But I didn't even feel bad about it when she stopped breathing. I almost didn't care." Tears fell down her face and Aiden hugged her and kissed her softly "Baby calm down it's okay. Nobody is going to judge you. We love you." I got up to hug her and she hugged me back. "We all need to go home." Donte said at a very good time. We all exchanged hugs and blessings and went our seperate ways...

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