Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Donte picked me up from my house on Sunday and I didn't know why Darii didn't want to come get me. I grabbed my purse and ran out of the house, locking my front door. I hopped in the car and said hey to him. "Hey girl. Let's go cus Dee at her house trippin." I lsmiled "But isn't she always?" We bothe laughed and we were on our way. We talked about what happened with Wyatt and Mel but he didn't have anything to say on the subject really. "It's just sad that he left you for her and then got played. It's not even sad though it's funny as hell." I had to admit, if I was still mad at Wyatt this whole situation would be funny to me. We pulled into Darii's driveway and when I walked in Shae was already there. "Heyyyy baby!" She smiled and shouted, hugging me. I hugged her back and took what she was drinking. I was salty it was water cus I thought it was Sprite. Darii came over and hugged me and talked at the same time "Okay, okay,okay. Everyone with a face, go downstairs it's movie time!" I laughed at her urgency and started walking down the stairs. I felt someone walking behind me and I turned around to see Chiaz and Aiden walking behind us all. I smiled hard and then turned around because I was getting too excited. Shae looked at Aiden when he came down the stairs and she squealed and hugged him "Was this the surprise, ho?" She said to Darii jokingly. "Damn right it was." She laughed and we both hugged and thanked her. Instead of sitting down for the first five minutes and most of the trailers, I was up moving from seat to seat and running around, just because I could. "Aight bitch sit down, movies about to be on." Darii said and I smiled and sat next to Chiaz. "Why are you so hyper?" He asked me laughing. "Because I drank whatever was in Shae's cup!" I lied and Shae turned around "Nigga it was H2O!" We both laughed and Darii shooshed us. We were watching some illegal version of The Avengers. Halfway through the movie I was sitting on Chiaz's lap and asking him what was going on. I was confused about the bad guy. "Wait why is he so mad at the planet?" He sighed and smacked himself in the forehead "Cus' they have a cube he needs to rule the world." I nodded my head. "Why doesn't he like the guy with the hammer?" I asked quietly and he smiled "He thought that was his brother all his life then he found out he was adopted and plus the guy with the hammer was going to be king and he wanted to be." I laughed "Why didn't you just say he was jealous?" He smiled and rubbed my back. By some grace of God the movie finally ended and we all went upstairs to play games or something. As soon as I touched the last stair Darii's little sister Akiia (Ah-key-aye) ran at me top speed and I hugged her tight. "It's my baby!" I yelled and Shae and the boys smiled. Only Darii wasn't amused because it was her sister she saw her all the time. She motioned me to come down to her again so I bent over "Who are all these people, Graan?" Graan meaning love in Pashto, she whispered. I smiled and picked her up. "Hey ya'll, this is my Graan, Akiia." She smiled and waved to everyone. I walked her around to each person including her sister and they shook hands. "This is Shae. And this is Aiden. This one is Chiaz." He winked at me when I said his name I didn't know why though. "And this is Darii." She rolled her eyes but gave her sister a kiss and a snuggle on the nose anyways."Za ta sara meena kawom." Darii said smiling at her sister "Za ham mina darsara laram." She answered laughing. When Darii noticed everyone looking at her because they had no idea what they were saying she giggled. "I said I love her, and she said she loves me too!" And everyone let out a sigh. "Talal sta kamra." Darii said to her sister. "Aw. Da khonday pe aman, halk." Akiia said waving and walking away. "Where's she going?" I asked waving back to her "I told her to go to her room and she said goodbye to all yall." Donte walked up and kissed her neck and she smiled "What?" She asked giggling "Nothing just stop speaking Pashto around me that shit man... I mean unless you wanna get raped." I laughed at the two of them. "I can't help my heritage or language baby." He smiled "You don't have to I'm just saying it's sexy." I walked off because too much was going on. We sat at the big rectangular glass table to play Monopoly. After a long argument of who got to be which piece and the banker we finally started playing seriously. "Anddd it looks like Aiden you owe me just about two hundred and twenty dollars." Darii said snatching the money from his hand. "What'd I do to you?" He joked and she smiled "Remember when I told you I wanted Park Place? Yea I ain't forget nigga!" We all laughed and for whatever reason I remembered what I needed to tell the girls. "Oh my God guess what?!" I said still staring at my money. "Stop trying to distract everyone you mad cus you in last place!" Chiaz shouted shoving me with his elbow. "I'm serious!" Shae looked up from the dice she was about to roll "Aight girl, go head." I nodded and explained "So how about Mel is pregnant." Darii and Shae stared at me dead in my face. "Oh shit! How's Wyatt doing? Is that why you went to see him?" Darii asked. "Well partially. Babys not his though." Shae's jaw dropped and Darii dropped her cards while the boys looked around cluelessly. "Whose is it then?" Shae asked and I took in a deep breath. "It's Seans." Darii looked at Donte and he nodded and Shae put her head down like something was bothering her. "S-so what are they going to do about it then?" Shae asked me. "Well she told me they're going to be together and they're probably gonna end up moving in together like stupid people." Darii shook her head in shame "That stupid little girl. I bet she thinks he's something real special. How sad." Shae was silent and didn't look up from her cards for the duration of the game and I became concerned. "Hey hot stuff, what's up?" I asked her taking her to a corner. "Nothing girl, nothing." She fake smiled and half laughed. "Is it because of Sean having a baby mom?" She nodded her head no "Of course not, he can do whatever the fuck he wants!" I raised my eyebrow. "Is it because he used to date Rhea." She opened her eyes wide "Y-yes. That's it, it's just weird you know?" I hugged her. "Yea babe I know."

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