Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

*Beep, Beep

I heard someone honking a car horn outside of my house so I peered through my room blinds and saw Rhea sitting in her car bobbing her head to some music. I didn't really expect her to show up... I also didn't expect Myles to break up with me so anything was possible. "Mom I'm about to leave!" I shouted but I got no reply so I grabbed my keys and walked out the front door. When Rhea noticed I was walking towards her car she smiled and reached over to unlock the door for me. "Hey!" She smiled and said as I got in the car. "Hey, what's up?" She finally turned her music down because it was loud as hell! "Nothing, ready to go?" I nodded my head and she sped off. We didn't talk while we rode to her house but when we got there she was eager to talk. "So like, how did you find out Sean and Mel were fucking?" I looked at her because I really didn't think that mattered but whatever. "Wyatt told me actually, it was right after they broke up and they were arguing." She unlocked her front door and when I walked in my jaw nearly dropped. Her house was gorgeous! There were rounded stairs and chandeliers everywhere. Her living room head white leather couches and lavish rugs, artworks and other decorations all around. I was afraid I would get jealous when I walked into her room! "This is mi casa!" She smiled spreading her arms out. "And anyone who comes to mi casa gets to make it su casa!" I laughed at her terrible spanish accent and we walked up the stairs to the first door on the left of the long hallway. Her room had to have been a master bedroom because It was huge! Everything was purple. The walls, bedsheets, chairs and even the carpet. I knew what her favorite color had to be. I was so shocked by how gorgeous it was that when a girl walked out of the bathroom attached to her room, I didn't even notice. "Oh my God get out." I heard Rhea say and that's when I looked over at the girl. "Damn Ray, you can't even introduce me?" Rhea put her hand on her hip and sucked her teeth "Isys this is my sister Shae." She waved at me with a big smile and I waved back. She was very pretty and she did look like Rhea, you could tell they were related and she seemed pretty cool. "Ray you're lucky I have phone calls to get back to, or I'd join your little girl party!" I laughed but her sister wasn't as amused. "Just get out." She smiled and walked out of the room closing the door behind her. "Does anyone else in the world know you have a sister?" I asked. "Nope. And I like it that way!" Rhea said sitting on the bed and motioning me over so I sat down next to her. "You seen that movie Think Like A Man yet?" She asked me and I nodded my head no. "I've wanted to but I haven't gotten around to it." I replied. "Good cus I haven't either! I have a bootleg and we have got to watch it." It didn't seem like I had much of a choice! After making popcorn and rearranging every pillow on her bed we watched the movie even though we talked through most of it. "How do you feel about Wyatt?" She asked me out of nowhere and I was quiet for a minute. "I don't really. He and I are on two different pages because I know he's with Mel. I don't really have time for him." She stuffed popcorn in her mouth and nodded at me. "Do you still like him?" I was cautious about answering that question only because she said still and that meant Mel had probably filled her head with junk. "I never did." I said lying. "Are you sure? You two were like Romeo and Juliet for a little bit, it was cute that's why I'm asking." "Well he has Mel and I have Myles so it doesn't matter." FUCK I did not mean to say that! "Uh, Myles? Myles Watson? I thought you guys were friends?" I pretended to watch the movie and she hit me with a pillow and laughed. "Don't act like you care about Gabrielle Unions problems now! Tell me!" I smiled and finally answered "We had a thing for a little while, no big deal though. We were talking but I'm not anymore he's found someone else." She rubbed my arm. "I'm sorry to hear that girl. Sean was the same way." I became interested because I loved hearing any dirt about him. "What happened?" I asked. "When he and I first started dating last year it was so perfect. No one could tear us apart, I know you remember that." I nodded and rolled my eyes at the remeniscing thoughts of them kissing everywhere I looked. "Anyways at the beginning of this year he just started switching it up. He didn't like talking, or being around me and if he didn't want me to be friends with them I wasn't. Like you." My eyes widened as I listened. "What do you mean like me? He toldyou not to talk to me or something?" Rhea looked everywhere but at me and I was getting impatient fast. "Yes. He said that you weren't the best of people, you or Mel and that's why I started being mean to you this year." For a minute I wondered why but I thought about it and realized why. He wouldn't want his girlfriend being close to any of the girls he was sleeping with, that'd be really stupid. "Well I'm glad you had a change of heart." She smiled "What are you doing tomorrow afterschool?" I didn't really want to hang out but I felt obligated. "Nothing why did you want to do something?" She shook her head no. "I was wondering if you could do me a favor and maybe just check up on Sean for me? Like make sure he's okay and see if he's still doing that shit with Mel?" Uh, negative. "No sorry. I don't want to get in that." She shook my leg "Please, please, please, please, please! I'm begging you, as a friend!" I laughed but I really couldn't budge. "I wish I could but I really can't. That's crazy." She looked at me then back at the tv. "Okay, don't worry about it."

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