Chapter Six

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Garroth's POV

"Is it just me who thinks they are just the cutest?" Travis asked. Laurence nodded. Zane and I made no movements or sounds. "What are you two jealous of them?" Travis grinned. "No!" We growled in unison. I wasn't jealous I just didn't like the thought of Dante being dirty with my brother. "Awww Zane you have me." Travis cooed wrapping an arm around Zane's shoulders. "D-Don't touch me." My brother responded moving the white haired's arm. "You okay Garroth?" Laurence asked. "Yeah I guess... I guess don't want Dante to be disgusting with Vylad." I answered. "He won't!" Travis assured me. "Daaaaaante!" I heard Vylad moan through the door. I gave Travis a dirty look. I knocked on the door loudly. "What are you doing in there?!" I yelled. Dante opened the door. His blue hair was messy and he had a dorky smile on his face. Vylad was behind him on the bed with messy hair as well. Vylad's clothes were a bit messed up as well. Then I noticed Dante didn't have his jacket on. Neither did Vylad. "What are you guys doing in here?" I growled. "Nothing Garroth! Can you just leave us alone for once?" Vylad said rolling his eyes. My brother stood up and walked to Dante. "Fine. But Dante your not getting into his pants tonight." I growled. "W-What?!" The two stuttered. I looked behind me. Laurence was on the floor laughing. Literally on the floor. Travis was laughing like crazy while Zane tried to contain his laughter. "Yeah Dante. Keep your clothes on!" Travis said in between laughs. "I wouldn't be talking Travis. I'm pretty sure you have already done Zane so shut up." Dante grinned. "W-What?!" Travis and Zane stuttered. "What?!" I yelled. "We never did that! I don't even like him!" Zane growled. "Then why were you flirting with him earlier?" Laurence grinned. "I-I...shut up!" Zane yelled slapping Laurence and walking off. "This was like the weirdest conversation I have ever had... anyway come on Dante!" Vylad said pulling Dante back into the room closing the door. "I honestly can't believe you said that Garroth!" Laurence chuckled patting my back. "Heh. Should we check on Zane?" I asked. "Knowing him he will probably being calling Aphmau right about now." Travis said. My phone buzzed. It was Aphmau. Maybe Zane wasn't calling her. 

A: Hey Garroth I'm having another random sleepover for no reason! Are you and the guys coming?

G: Sure. Why do you always do these sort of things anyway?

A: For fun. And this time it's different! We are going to a restaurant then to a karaoke bar! Then back to my house for the sleepover!

G: Sounds fun. I'll come with the guys.

A: Great it's tomorrow at 6:00pm! See ya!

I explained the sleepover to the guys and they all agreed to come. Zane came back and we told him. Then we had to tell Dante and Vylad. "Hey how about we just barge in to see what they are doing?" Laurence grinned. We all agreed and barged in. When we walked in the two were on the bed. Dante was on top of Vylad kissing him, Vylad started pull up Dante's shirt. "Hey guys!" I said. They sat up and looked at us. "Uhh..." They stuttered. "Sorry to ruin your hot moment but Aph is having a dinner, karaoke sleepover night thing tomorrow are you two in?" Travis grinned. "Uhh...yeah we're coming." Vylad said obviously uncomfortable that we just saw that. "What were you doing to him Vylad?" Zane asked. I could tell he was smirking through his mask. "Uhh n-nothing!" Vylad stuttered. "It looked to me like you were trying to take Dante's shirt off." Laurence grinned. "N-No! Y-You guys must be b-blind!" My brother stuttered. "Zane might be but the rest of us aren't." I spoke up. "Sh-Shut up Garroth!" Zane growled. "Whatever can you guys leave?" Vylad asked annoyed. "Fine. But don't make it too hot in here." Travis grinned as we all walked out leaving the two alone once again.

Zane's POV

All four of us sat on the couch. Travis sat next to me. Laurence put on some random show on Netflix. Garroth and Laurence got totally absorbed into the show while I didn't really care. I don't know about Travis though. I sighed and looked around the room. Travis was staring at me. A dorky smile spread across his face as he stared. He looked even more absorbed into staring at me than Garroth and Laurence staring at the show if that was even possible. I poked his shoulder. He continued to stare. I decided to just let him. I tried to get absorbed into the show but Travis was kind of distracting. I looked back at the white haired again. He smile widened as a blush spread across his face. A small bit of blood dripped from his nose. "Ugh Travis your nose!" I blurted out as I wiped his nose. "I was definitely not staring at you as I thought of you... Never mind!" He said snapping into reality. Garroth and Laurence looked at us confused. I glared at them. "Watch your show." I said. The two shrugged it off and continued the show. "What did you think about me?" I whispered. "U-Uhhh..." He stuttered staring at me as he blush grew. "Don't tell me it was something perverted." I whispered. "Okay I wont tell you then." He whispered back. "You perv." "Heheh...Sorry..." "Its fine I guess... As long as it wasn't that dirty." "Heh..." He looked away. "Tell me what you imagined me looking like. Now." I whispered. "I imagined you um... Shirtless without your mask. And you... um..." He whispered. I felt my face heat up. "Finish." I whispered back. "You did this to me." He said gripping my shirt. Travis pulled my mask down. He slammed his lips into mine. "What...whoa..." Garroth and Laurence said in shock. I couldn't help but melt into Travis's passionate kiss. He pulled back. "Sorry!" He said looking away. "I... it's okay!" I stuttered. "Oh don't deny it Zane you enjoyed that. I could see that you did." Laurence's voice spoke up. "Shut up! Don't make me slap you again!" I growled. "Well baby brother you did look like you loved that." Garroth said defending Laurence. "Y-You d-did?" Travis stuttered. I looked back at him. "Do I really have to be here right now?" I muttered. "Yup." Laurence said popping the 'p'. I needed an excuse to not be here. "I'm gonna um... go check on Vylad and Dante!" I said rushing to Dante's room. I barged in. A shirtless Dante was pinning Vylad to the wall kissing his neck. "Guys..." I said. They looked at me. "Umm..." Vylad stuttered. "Um... sorry to interupt." I said. "It's fine..." Dante said. "Not really." Vylad muttered. I sat on the bed. "Anyway why are you here?" The blue haired asked. "I-I..." I stuttered. Vylad sat down next to me on the bed. "You can tell me anything Zu." My brother said. "I-Its about Travis..." "What about Travis?" "He...kissed me..." "I'm pretty sure that had happened before." Dante grinned. "Not like this though... The other times were accidental. He was nosebled over me..." I looked away. "Damn." "Then he kissed me right in front of Garroth and Laurence...with passion..." I replied. "Well do you like him?" The bluenette asked. "I don't know... I don't think so." I answered. "If you need anything I'm here for you Zu." Vylad said kindly. "Sooo... are you guys official?" I asked. "Uh...n-no..." My brother stuttered. Dante made Vylad face him. "I'd like to change that." He said seductively. Vylad looked like he was swooning over Dante. "A-Are you asking me to be your b-boyfriend?" Vylad asked. The bluenette leaned in and gave my brother a kiss. As much as I hated to see a perv with my little brother they were really cute. "Of course he is captain obvious." I grinned through my mask. They pulled away. "Yes Dante. I will." My brother smiled. He really did look happy with this blue haired pervert. "Um...Zane? Do you mind if we talk..." A voice said from behind me. I turned to look at the male. He green eyes widened as he noticed Dante. "Woah dayum Dante how much action do you get in a day?" Travis grinned. "Oh shut it Travis." The bluenette responded. "Okay Zu go fix things with your boyfriend!"  Vylad said giving me a light shove. "W-What?!" I growled. "Just come on." Travis said pulling me out. He dragged me to his room and I sat down on the bed. "Zane. I'm really sorry about what I did. I shouldn't have done that without you being okay with it..." Travis looked down. 

"It's okay Travis." "No. It's not." "It's fine Travis!" "No. It's. Not!" This went on for awhile. "Travis shut up will you? It's in the past and I don't really care." "Well... I do care." I looked up him. "Travis? Are you okay?!" I rushed to his side. I lifted the male's chin. Tears filled his eyes. Travis pushed my hands away. "S-Stop!" He said. "Travis what's wrong?!" "I don't want to talk about this subject..." I lifted his chin again and gazed into his purple eyes. "Travis your eyes!" "I think I know my ugly features by heart." "Travis your features aren't ugly." "You wouldn't understand Zane. Whenever you look into the mirror you see a handsome male, when I look I see a disgusting demon." He said tearing up again. "Travis really?! Do you know why I wear a mask?! I cover my entire face up! And you think I wouldn't know about this stuff?! My face is so ugly it can't be shown in public! Or anywhere!" I accidentally yelled. "Well if your ugly then ugly is beautiful, and your the only ugly one to me." He said. "I-Is that supposed to be a p-pick up line?" "Is it? Your eyes are bluer than the Atlantic Ocean, and baby I'm lost at sea." He grinned. I couldn't help but blush. He gave a cute smile. "That's just what I wanted. Your so cute when you blush!" "N-No!" I said pulling my mask higher. He walked closer to me. One of his eyes were emerald green the other, a deep purple. He pushed me backwards on the bed and climbed on top of me. "Travis?!" He brought his hand to my mask. "Travis what are you doing let me go!" He moved his face close to mine as he slipped my mask down. "Zane. You don't understand. I like you a lot." He said. "L-Let me go!" I replied trying to push him off of me. "Just let me have fun for one night." He said in a seductive voice. "Oh that's NOT happening!" A voice yelled. 

Garroth ripped Travis off of me. "HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO MY BABY BROTHER YOU PERVERT!!" The blonde yelled. "Oh come on Garroth? We all know you want to have fun with Laurence. So why can't Zane have fun?" Travis grinned. "W-What?!" My brother stuttered. "I just wanted to kiss him, but I know you want to get down and dirty with Laurence." "WHERE ARE YOU GETTING THAT FROM?!" "Oh your eyes say it all little Garroth." "SHUT UP AND STAY AWAY FROM MY BROTHER!" "Garroth stop!" I yelled moving in between them. "Hey baby, looks like true love does come to your rescue." Travis winked putting an arm around my shoulder. "Zane your blushing?! Because of that?!" Garroth yelled pointing at Travis. "I-I'm not b-blushing!" I looked away. "Dream on sweet heart." The white haired replied pulling me closer. "Don't call him that!" My brother yelled. "Shut up Garroth!" I said slapping my brother's face. "Zane?! Your actually on his side with this?!" "I'm on neither of your sides! This is the stupidest discussion ever!" I yelled moving Travis's arm. "I'm done here. And if you guys continue to yell at eachother I will slit both of your throats." I growled and walked out. Before I completely left the room I heard Garroth yell, "DONT YOU DARE STARE AT HIS BUTT YOU PERV!" I turned back to look at them. "Sorry. Zane's got da booty." Travis shot a wink at me. I pulled my mask up trying to hide my blush. "What did I yell you both?" I growled. "Sorry I was just trying to get a nice view." Travis grinned. " STOP BEING A PERVERT!" My brother yelled. "GARROTH! I will kill you!" I growled. "So your just going to let this Casanova stare at your behind?!" "Fine! Not like I care!" I walked out. "I'm leaving bye!" I left and headed to my house. Great I still had to go to that sleepover. And it was karaoke just great. I got a text from Aphmau.

A: Hey your coming to the sleepover right?

Z: Yeah

A: Great! Oh and I want everyone to dress nicely for the dinner!

Z: Do I have to?

A: Yup! Please do it for me! Cupcakes

Z: I'll do it for the cupcakes.

A: Yay! See you tomorrow ZuZu!

Z: Don't call me that


What do you all think of the Fanfic so far? Is it depressing I fangirl over my own fanfictions? Eh I don't care! Thanks for paying attention to me senpai! :3


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