Chapter Twenty One

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Laurence's POV
We had just gotten back to the room after a nice beach day. I sat next to Garroth on our bed. He was reading something. I placed my chin on his shoulder and looked at what he was reading. "What'cha reading, babe?" I asked him. "Nothing." He said placing the book like thing on his lap so I couldn't read it. "Now I'm curious." I spoke. "It's nothing Laur." He replied. "If it's nothing then show me." I said. "Do I have to?" The blonde asked. "Yes you do." I answered. "I'm just looking at nice places in the area. Happy?" Garroth responded. "Very." I smiled, kissing his cheek. Why is he looking at places in the area? Then I realized something. Zane and Travis weren't in the room. "Where's Travis and Zane?" I asked. Garroth looked up. "I don't know. Hopefully Travis didn't get my brother into any trouble." He said. "I'll look for them." Vylad spoke getting up from the couch and walking towards the door. "I'll come with you." Dante said following him. "You don't have to." The brunette Ro'Meave boy replied. "I need to make sure you don't get lost. You know, Garroth would hate that." The bluenette responded. "Are you sure it's not because you want to find a way to get Vylad alone?" I commented. "Nooooo." Dante lied. "Well I don't have a problem with it." Vylad spoke quickly. "Now let's go." The brunette continued out the door, Dante in tow. "I'm surprised you're not freaking out that your brother is somewhere with Travis, and Dante might do something with Vylad." I said. Garroth shrugged. "Well.... Dante's alone with Vylad, Zane's alone with Travis. I'm alone with you." I spoke. He said nothing. I leaned close to his ear. "What do you think Travis's doing to Zane?" I asked. "Hopefully nothing gross." Garroth answered. "Well, I could do something to you." I whispered seductively. His face turned many shades of red. It was the most adorable thing on the planet. "L-L-Laurence." He stuttered. "You know I'm kidding." I chuckled moving further from him. "Unless you want that." I continued the flirty voice. "W-What if the others come back?" He said. "Who cares? I don't." I answered. The Ro'Meave shrugged and looked me in the eyes. I got lost in his bright blue eyes for the billionth time in my life. This happened way too often. I leaned in and kissed him. I moved my lips against his, and he copied the movement. "We're baaaack!" An annoying voice announced. "Horrible timing of course." The voice said. "It's like this is some fan story where whenever people think it's going to get good somebody interrupts and pisses everybody off." A different voice said. I pulled back from Garroth. "Exactly!" Travis replied, waving his hands around. Zane playfully rolled his eyes at his boyfriend's silliness. "Where were you two?" I asked. "Travis dragged me over to look at some things." Zane answered, sitting down on his bed. "So you had fun." The white haired layed down beside him. "Heh, yeah." Zane smiled to himself and looked away. I just noticed he wasn't wearing his mask. "Where's your mask?" Garroth asked. "Travis forced me not to wear it." The raven haired replied. "What you look so good! Don't you guys think so?" Travis said. "He does." My boyfriend spoke. I nodded. Travis grabbed Zane's arm. "He's mine so back off!" The white haired stated. "He's my brother idiot." Garroth rolled his eyes. "And I have Garroth. Why would I want Zane?" I responded. Travis shrugged and forced Zane to lie down with him. "Where's Vylad and Dante?" Zane asked. "They were supposed to be looking for you guys but I'm pretty sure they aren't." Garroth spoke. Wonder what they're up to.

Dante's POV
We walked down a hall somewhere. It was dimly lit, and a bit creepy. "Do you even know where you're going?" I asked. "Nope!" Vylad giggled turning down a corner. "Sorry." Vylad's voice said. I followed after him. "Um... please let go of me." Vylad said as a guy tightly gripped his wrist. The man twisted the brunette's wrist, making him yelp in pain. "Don't touch him!" I growled. The man kicked the back of Vylad's knee, making him fall to the ground. My boyfriend groaned in pain. "I said don't touch him!" I yelled. "Make me." The man spoke. His voice was deep and scratchy. I walked closer and grabbed the guy by his collar. "Don't touch him." I snapped again. The guy smirked and put his hands in the air. Two other guys came up from behind him and pushed me to the ground. They pinned my wrists to the floor. "Dante!" Vylad spoke, worry in his voice. The first guy held Vylad by his arm. "Choke him." The guy said. The two put their hands on my neck and began to choke me. "You don't touch my Dante!" Vylad growled. He gripped the man who held him's wrist and pulled him to the floor. The brunette stood and kicked the guy's side. He rushed to me and pushed one of them off of me. I punched the other and Vylad helped me to my feet. "Let's go now!" I said, gripping his hand. We ran towards our room as fast as possible. "You're lucky this time!" We heard a voice growl from behind us.
When we reached the room we quickly opened the door and slammed it behind us. I wrapped Vylad in a tight hug. "Are you okay?" I asked. He nodded and rested his head on my chest. "Wow what's going on?" Laurence asked walking in with Garroth, Travis and Zane. I kissed the top of Vylad's head. "Show me your wrist." I instructed. Vylad showed me his wrist. It had imprints from somebody's nails and was all sore and red. "What happened?" Garroth asked rushing to us. "Did they hurt you?" Vylad asked, caressing my cheek. "No." I lied. "Can somebody explain what's going on?!" Travis spoke. We explained what happened. "You guys should rest." Zane suggested. I nodded and lied down on the couch with Vylad. He snuggled up to me. "Thank you." I smiled at him. "You saved me." I said. "Anything for my love." He responded. I kissed him before resting my eyes. What a day. At least Vylad's alright. That's all that matters. I fell asleep with Vylad in my arms.

I'm so sorry for not updating in so long! I've been really busy with school and crap! I'm sooooo sorry! I'm going to try and update as much as I can. Bye! Thanks for reading! Also.... OMG 2k READS WHAT?!?!!?!! IM DYING! WHY DO YOU GUYS KEEP KILLING ME OH MY GUUUURD!!! Thanks so much for that much read it's just..... just.... so much and I just never thought I would ever get like any reads on anything so thanks so much! AHAHAAGAA! I'm gonna go before I bother y'all with more screaming. Thank you! Byeeee!

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