Chapter Seventeen

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Zane's POV
"I'd like to change that." Travis grinned bringing his face close to mine. "A-Are you asking me o-out?" I stammered. "Oh baby, you bet I am." He flirted. "Yes." I said before, pulling my mask down and planting a quick kiss on his lips. "You don't know how long I waited for you to say that." The male spoke. I heard mom squealing. "Garte hurry up!" She called. Me and Travis turned back to the phone. My father walked in. "Zane's boyfriend has abs!" Mum squeaked. "M-Mom!" I growled at her. "Haha it's okay. You know Zane you can look as much as you want." Travis winked at me. "Wow Zane you blush a lot." My father chuckled. "This is Travis." I told my parents. "I see where you get your adorable from Zane." Travis flirted. "S-S-Stop." I said. "Nah." He replied kissing me again. "Wow Garroth was right about Zane's boyfriend being a flirt." Dad laughed. "Yeah, he is a flirt." I grinned. "You know you like it." The white haired spoke. "Who said I didn't?" I replied. "I have an idea! Why don't we come over for a pool day and meet you, Garroth and Vylad's boyfriends in person!" Mum suggested. We agreed. She probably just wanted to see if the guys had abs. She was a sucker for built guys. We informed my brothers and they agreed. Through the rest of the time we talked with my parents, Travis kept flirting with me, Mum kept talking about Travis's body, Dad tried to get mom to calm down, and I was a blushing mess.

TIME SKIP (To the day the Ro'Meaves and their boyfriends meet up)
Vylad's POV
Garroth opened the door for our parents. "Mah children!" Mom squealed hugging me, Zane and Garroth. (I don't know why I'm making Zianna so weird xD) "So let's see the wonderful men that love my boys!" She smiled releasing me and my brothers from her motherly bear hug. Dante walked over and stood beside me. "Hi Zianna, Garte." He greeted them. We were all in swimsuits. Mum looked Dante up and down. "DAMN! Vylad and Zane both have fit guys?!" She squealed. "Mom!" Me and Zane yelled at her. "Move and let me see Laurence!" She grinned. "U-Uh..." Laurence just stood there, obviously uncomfortable. Dad face palmed. "All three of my boys have such handsome boyfriends AGH!" Mum screeched. "Sorry guys." Garroth apologized. "Heh it's fine." Travis responded. "I don't mind people admiring me. Especially if it's Vylad." Dante smirked wrapping an arm around my waist. "Not like I can help myself." I responded. "Stop flirting and let's go swim!" Laurence exclaimed. We all walked into the backyard. (They are at Travis,Dante, Garroth and Laurence's place btw)

"Come on Zane!" Travis smiled picking Zane up, bridal style. "T-Travis!" My brother yelled. Travis jumped in the pool, with Zane in his arms. We all burst out laughing except Zane. "You're annoying." The raven haired growled. "And you're cute." Travis smirked. "I'm so glad my parents like you." I smiled hugging my boyfriend's arm. "Me too." Dante answered looking me in the eyes. We stared at each other for awhile until dad touched my shoulder. "H-Huh?" I stuttered turning to my father. "How long are you going to just stare at him?" The blonde asked. "I-I don't know." I stammered. "You're adorable when you stutter you know." Dante flirted. "You're such a flirt." I told him. "I know." He grinned pecking my lips. Then somebody pushed me and Dante into the pool. Garroth and Laurence burst out laughing, along with my parents and Travis. "I'm going to kill you." Dante growled. "Why cause I pushed you while you were kissing your precious Vylad?" Laurence teased. "Yeah that's why!" I said as I gripped Laurence's hand and pulled him into the pool. Garroth and the others laughed even more. Zane even let out a small chuckle. Laurence slightly shoved me. "Don't touch meh Vylad." Dante spoke. (Why is this chapter so weird?) "Protective much?" Garroth laughed. "You shouldn't be talking, you're the king of protective." Zane crossed his arms. "I'm not protective!" Garroth spat. "Then why do you always have to know exactly what me and Dante are doing?" I spoke up. "Shut up..." My brother mumbled. The Eight of us hung out and had fun. Though mom was a bit embarrassing.
TIME SKIP (To next day ;3)
I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing loudly. I groggily grabbed it and answered the call. "Hello?" I spoke. "Hey babe!" Dante's voice said enthusiastically. "Why are you calling me so early?" I asked. "Because. Me and the guys are going to pick you up soon." He responded. "What? Why?" I asked. "Pack your things sweetie! We are picking up Zane as well." Dante said. "Wait where are we going?!" I asked again. "It's a surprise!" "Dante tell me." "Nope! Later sweetness!" He said before hanging up. Where in the name of Irene where we going?! I slowly got up and got dressed. I packed things because Dante told me to for some reason. My phone buzzed signaling me the bluenette had texted me.
D: You ready? <3
V: Yeah but can you answer my question?
D: Fine we are going on a road trip to a nice resort!
V: Where?
D: Not telling until we get there!
V: I hate you
D: You love me
V: You know I do
D: We will be over soon see ya babe
V: Bai
I quickly ate and waited for the guys. The door bell rang and I answered it. Dante stood at the door. The guys were in a car behind him. "Hey Vylaaaad~" Dante sang. "Hey." I smiled, pecking his lips. "Let's go." He spoke. I grabbed my things and entered the car with the guys. Travis was bothering Zane and Garroth was talking with Laurence. I sat next to Dante and we head off. "Pay attention to meee." Travis said to Zane. "Why?" The raven haired asked, keeping his gaze on his phone. "Because I love you." Travis replied. Zane smiled to himself and continued to mess with his phone. "Do I really need to earn your attention?" The white haired asked. "If you really want my attention." My brother responded. Travis gripped Zane's behind and kiss his cheek. "Travis!" The raven haired yelped looking to the male. "Now your attention is mine." Travis grinned leaning closer to my older brother. "It's hilarious watching them be stupid together." I chuckled, leaning my head on Dante's shoulder. "Yeah I know." The bluenette replied. "Did you have to wake me up so early?" I asked looking up at the male. "Why are you tired?" He spoke. "Kinda." I responded. "You can sleep if you want." "Okay." I snuggled up to Dante and fell asleep. Before I fell asleep I continued to hear Travis annoying Zane. They are the cutest. Not as cute as me and Dante though.

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