Chapter Twenty Four

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Zane's POV
Travis continued to pull me around. We looked at shops and things together. He wanted to buy me everything thing I looked at too long, of course I insisted he didn't. And of course he didn't listen to me. He kept gripping my wrist and dragging me around. I swear I had a red mark on my wrist because of him! But I didn't complain.
"Come on Zane~!" The white haired continued pulling me somewhere. "Travis where are you taking us?" I said, "The shops are back there." I pointed behind us. "Oh I know. I'm taking you somewhere else." He looked back at me and smirked, before resuming to pull me to his mystery place. Travis took me to what looked like the side of some kind of mountain. Somehow, there was an opening in it somewhere, and obviously, Travis had to pull me through it. We entered a cave looking place. "Is this it?" I asked. "Nope." He said, "Just a little bit farther, I promise."
"Do you have to hold onto me so tight?" I asked him.
"Oh, heh, sorry." Travis laughed his cute dorky laugh. He's a dork. A big dork. A cute dork. My cute dork. He pulled me forward again, not tugging me as tight, as I asked. I swear to Irene he would literally do anything for me. Maybe even kill somebody, I don't know. "Trav?" I asked, using his nickname. He immediately looked at me. His emerald eyes seemed to light up from me calling him by a nickname. I never really used nicknames for him, or anyone really. Except Aphmau. I always call her Aph. "Yes?" Travis spoke. "Would you do anything for me?" I asked. He caressed my cheek. "Of course I would, love." He smiled. I just looked down and smiled. Not my normal tiny smile. Not even the smile I do around Aph. It was probably the brightest smile I have ever had on my face. I felt Travis's warm lips touch my forehead. "I love your cupcake smile." He said. I looked up at him. "Huh?"
"When you smile big," he explained, "It looks so sweet, like cupcakes. And it's so cute." He smiled that bright handsome smile he has. I couldn't even help it. I giggled and gave him a megawatt smile. I usually don't do anything thing like that. Come to think of it, I've never done that to anybody. I don't even know if I even did that to Aph. Travis... he's just... different. Special. "Ah, Zane. You're way too adorable." Travis smiled and kissed me. "Now take me where you wanted to go." I told him. He nodded and began taking me there again.
We went through an opening in the cave. There was a hill there with beautiful pinkish red coloured trees around it. There was one lonely tree that stood at the top of the hill, it stood out the most, more bright, and right in the middle of everything. Then for some reason I thought of Travis. How he stands out to me. He's always my focus. Just like that middle tree. "Isn't it wonderful?" Travis asked intertwining his fingers with mine. "Yeah." I said, still looking at the breathtaking view. "Like you." Travis smiled and kissed my cheek. I felt warm inside. Just plain happy I guess. What people would call giggly. The male brought me to the top of the hill with the middle tree.
"How did you find this place?" I asked. "Well," He started, "I didn't really have anything to do awhile ago. And I wanted to go somewhere quiet to write-" "Write?" I interrupted.
"Y-Yeah. I kinda have a journal thing..." He said clearly embarrassed. "Cool." I smiled. He smiled back.
"So I went exploring and found this place. I immediately thought of you  actually. So that's why I took you here." He explained. "You're sweet." I told him. He smiled and pulled something from his pocket. He took out a camera. "Stand by the tree." He said. "Um, Okay." I did as he asked. He pointed his camera at me. "You know I don't like photos," I crossed my arms and glared at him, "especially without my mask."
"Please? For me? You look so beautiful and I want a picture of my beautiful Zaney in front of the scenery." He said. Okay, I had to admit. I liked that reason. "Fine." I pretended to be more annoyed, but I really didn't care too much if it made him happy. I posed as he told me and he took a few pictures of me. "Damn Zane, how are you not a model? You're way better looking than any of those crappy male models in magazines and stuff." Travis said looking at some of the pictures. "No I'm not." I replied walking over to look at the photos. He was actually a very talented photographer. He didn't make me look that bad. I actually looked kind of good. "My freckles look so ugly." I said. Travis looked at me with eyes that looked a bit sad and pouty. "I love them." He then proceeded to kiss every single one of my freckles while I stood there blushing like an idiot. "I love you." He said.
"So much."
"So so much." He kept saying things like that while he stared at me.
"Thank you Irene for the blessing of Zane Ro'Meave."
"Shut up Trav." I chuckled. "I like when you use my nickname." He got all close to me. "Can you call me nicknames more often? I like it." He said.
"Like what nicknames?"
"Hmm, Trav, babe, sweetie, things like that."
"How about idiot?" I suggested. He didn't say anything. His body and partially his face took it as a joke, but his eyes said otherwise. He looked a touch hurt. I wrapped my arm around his neck.

"My handsome, loving, dorky, wonderful, perverted, fun, kind, generous, perfect idiot."

His lovely eye changed from hurt to the happiest thing in the world. He smiled so big and I swear he looked so happy that he might cry tears of joy. I grabbed my waist and lifted me into the air. I wrapped my legs around his hip and he kissed me happily, and passionately. Travis was generally a happy, cheerful guy. Almost always in a good mood. But I swear I'd never seen him so happy. When he finally stopped attacking me with kisses he looked directly into my eyes. "I will protect you, be there for you, love you, be your idiot, forever. You're mine and mine only. And I'm never letting you go." He said. "You better keep that promise." I told him. "I will always. I always keep my promises. Things like promises and stuff are important to me. But this promise is much more important than any other. One I'll keep forever." He spoke.
"Shut up with the sappy talk and kiss me you moron."

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