Chapter 2: Detentionare

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I huffed as I pushed open the heavy classroom door in front of me. I walked in and threw myself at a table, ignoring the stares from the boys around me. So apparently I'm not the only one doing shit worth Saturday detention. Half my luck.

Mr. Howle walks in shortly after and writes on the whiteboard.


1. No talking.

3. No eating.

3. No sex.

He gives me a hard look and clears his throat.

"See the rules, follow the rules, and you will be done by three o'clock. any questions?"

I see a boy raise his hand out of the corner of my eye. He had devilish blonde hair with a red bandanna holding it back and he was wearing a loose muscle tank.

"So does that count for all types of sex or just..."

Mr. Howle gives him a look. Irwin will be six feet under if he's not careful.

"Just follow the rules, Irwin. And you know what I mean"

The Irwin kid looks over to me winking....

"Well sir I can't promise you anything"

I snort and roll my eyes. Not even in his dreams.

He just grins and his eyes follow mr. Howle as he makes a funny noise, sort of between a groan and a sigh and walks out of the room and shuts the door.

The Irwin kid just looks at me as his friends try to hide their laughs behind their hands.

"Hey, I'm Ashton" he says pulling his hand out, presumably for a shake. I turn around in the front of my seat and mumble a

"fuck you"

He looks taken surprise by this but I don't care. That's just how I am.

"Well, darling you could try"

I scowled, flipping my middle finger up as I reach into my bag and pull out a pack of cigarettes and lighter. I get out of my seat and walk over to the window. I grunt as I lift it up abut and flick my lighter. I watch the flame come alive and take it to the end of my cigarette. I took a drag and was amazed by the feeling if calmness that washed over me, making everything hazy but good. I could feel the four boys' gaze on my back as I sat on the ledge. But it still took me by surprise when I hear a voice saying


I start and drop my cigarettes on the floor and they start to roll everywhere. I quickly butt out my cig.

"Fuck" I mumble

As I kneel down and pick them up I see the owner of the voice pick a few up and give them to me. He had blond quiffed hair and these blue eyes that looked made you feel like you were being surrounded by the ocean. He had a black spike lip piercing that he chewed the inside of as he looked at me worriedly. Urgh lip piercings are such a turn on for me.

"I'm Luke, sorry, I didn't mean to startle you"

Yeah I know who you are. Luke

Hemings, the guy that a girls have the hots for but haven't gone near because he had been deemed a quiet muso. I wonder what he did to be in here? I mean he liked to have fun but he wasn't one if those dickheads that was always being stupid. He was funny and enjoyed childish pranks but I don't think he has it in him to do something bad.

"Yeah whatever" I say harshly and cringe and the sound of the words coming out if my mouth. God am I stupid? this guys helping me and I'm being such a bitch to him. I look up at him, expecting to be annoyed but he just looks at me with those sharp eyes of his. He has an amused expression on his face. I collect up the rest of the cigarettes and Luke returns to his seat and I return to mine.

I quickly count the cigs and find that there is one more missing than before. I furrowed my brows and looked over to see Luke sitting there with his feet crossed and on the table, with a glowing cigarette in between his forefinger and middle finger. He spun my lighter in his free hand, twirling it around and around. He saw me looking and smirked, raising the cigarette and putting it to his lips.

I raised my eyebrows and he grins triumphantly. All of a sudden I hear a door being shut in the distance and footsteps coming this way,

"Shit" Luke curses under his breath.

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