Chapter. 3

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Andi's POV

I didn't do anything. I just left, without saying a word...

I hopped on my motorcycle and quickly drove off, not wanting to come back. I didn't even drive the direction I came from. I just drove... Away.

As I got on the highway, I realized I had dropped my helmet back at the house. Tears flew off my face as I raced through the wind.

When my eyes started to hurt, I put on sunglasses and it helped.

I didn't know how to really feel... Sad.. Or mad... I thought about it the whole ride back home...

Finally entering my room, I jumped onto my bed just wanting to fall asleep.

Jonah. Beck... Right? That was him... It must've.

He's barely changed... When I saw his face, I froze, remembering everything...

I haven't seen him in 4 years...

Back in high school. One day he asked to see my phone. When he gave it back, I had asked what he did. He just hugged me and said he loved me... And then he left...

I didn't see him the next day... Or ever again.. When I tried to text him, I couldn't find his number.

I went to his house... But to only find a "For Sale" sign in the yard. Just like that... He disappeared...

But... Just like that... He appeared...

I got my phone and went to text mom. Wait... How could she say this was a "surprise"? More like a nightmare... I went to text Buffy.

'Hey, you free right now?' I texted.

'Yeah, what up?'

'Jonah Beck... He was at my parents' house today as a "surprise." I left right when I saw him... What do I do?'

'Woah... Talk to him. Find out why he's here. There's gotta be a reason, right?'

'I guess... But I can't! It's just too weird. I have a boyfriend!'

'Maybe it's not about boyfriend, girlfriend. It's been years... Maybe he just wants to see his friends again?..'


'Alright, I gtg. Andi, cmon. He's here for a reason... Why? Go find out...'

If I was going to talk to him, I would want to talk to him with Cyrus... So he knows.

"I need a distraction," I said to myself... I then grabbed my supplies bag and took a few pieces of string. Nothing like making bracelets.

Almost being finished with my bracelet, I heard something in the hallway... As I walked up to my door, I put my ear against it.

I heard a very faint, "Oh, hey Andi", "Hey Andi", "Hi", "It's been awhile" "No, no, no, ugh"

"Please no" I whispered taking my ear off the door. "Please world, don't do this to me."

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The Boy, Cupid, And Me •Jandi+• AndimackWhere stories live. Discover now