Epilogue: 5 Years Later

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Jonah's POV

I had just come out of the recording studio. I just finished my first single and I couldn't wait for the world to hear it. I had over 50 million followers across all my social media, who were all eager to hear my music.

I never knew I'd be able to sing if it wasn't for Andi. She noticed how much I loved music and she pushed me through it. I still do acting and modeling, but music is my real passion now.

I sat down in my car to text Andi the good news.

'Just finished the first single!!! So excited! Xoxo' I sent.

'That's awesome! Are you on your way home? I have a surprise! Xoxo ;)' She texted back.

'Yes, I'll be there in a few!'

After texting Andi, I texted Cyrus to see how he was doing.

'Just finished the first single! I'm so excited!
What're you up to?' I started.

'That's great! I can't wait to hear it.
Just got back from the mountains. Was taking beautiful pictures of the view <3. But now, just chillaxing'

Lol, since when did you say that?!'

'I pick up on today's slang ;)'

'Lol, ttyl'

I then started the car and was on my way to my love.

These past 5 years, living in Utah, have been great. It feels good living out my dreams in my hometown. And the best part...

I live it with the most beautiful girl in the world... Andi Mack. Maybe one day it will be Andi Beck.

I then laughed at myself.

Andi's accomplished so much, it amazes me everytime I think about it. She runs a small, but fast-growing, business based mainly in Utah.

She's spreading her services to other states at a very successful rate.

She has just over 2000 people who work for her, designing weddings, funerals, the interior of buildings, and houses, and much more. I'm so glad Andi's living out her dream just like me...

Even though the ride should've taken at least 20 minutes it felt like 5.. I guess thinking of Andi really kills time.

I hopped out of the car and walked my way up to the front door of my dream home. I then unlocked the door and entered the home.

"Andi, I'm home!" I called out, to get no response.

"Andi?" I repeated.

I found red rose petals scattered across the floor, leading past her office and into the living room.

I followed it, stopping to look in Andi's office. As I noticed she wasn't in there I continued following it to the end.

When I reached the end of it, in the living room, the TV turned on. It displayed the word 'Will' on it.

Very confused I called Andi's name again. No response...

The TV then displayed another word. 'You' it read.

After another few seconds, still very confused, the TV displayed another word. 'Marry'.

At this point, I felt the adrenaline pumping through my veins, as I hoped the last word was 'Me'.

But it wasn't...

Instead, it was a picture of Andi...

"Will you marry me?" I then heard from behind me.

I turned around to find Andi, smiling ear to ear.

I was shaking, hoping I wouldn't wake up this time.

"Of course I'll marry you, yes!"

I held her like a baby and spun her around.

"I'm gonna marry you so hard!" I said as we both laughed in glee.

"Amazing! Work it guys. Just pretend I'm not here" I heard.

I then turned around. Cyrus was by the stairs, with one eye behind his camera, taking pictures.

"Make this a good one," I told Cyrus.

I then put my lips on Andi's, with her still in my arms.

"Perfect" I heard Cyrus say.

I hope you like their ending...
It was a beautiful story to write...
I have a very strong bond with each character, even though they're not entirely mine. I hope you loved them too...
I love you

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