Chapter. 11

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Andi's POV

I grab his hands. "Cyrus, stop. You're over reacting."

"No, I'm not" he said. "Andi..."


"Tell me the truth.. Look me in the eyes... Who do you love more? Me or Jonah?"

"You!" I exclaim hugging him.

"Look at me in the eyes, Andi."

I just couldn't.. Do I love Jonah more?..

He turned away from me.

"I'm sorry" I said.

"It's okay Andi.. I love you.. I feel like I don't say that enough... I want what makes you happy. And if you want to be with Jonah.. Then I won't get in the way of that."

"Thank you, Cyrus.. We've known each other since.. I don't even know.. So long... You're the bestest friend anyone could possibly ask for."

We hugged.. For a long time.

"Now cmon, go get Jonah!" He exclaimed.

"I don't even know where he is" I said. "Los Angeles is huge."

"Well, let's try and find his social media. He's gotta have something we can lean on there."

After about 20 minutes we found a picture of him on a street named 'Zoe's Street' (fake).

"We have a street, the universe will guide us onward" Cyrus said.

"Your coming with me?" I ask.

"Of course, do you really wanna ride a motorcycle there?"

"Thanks" I smiled.

"Of course."

"I'll ask my mom for some money. You're paying for enough. Thank you for everything you do for me."

"Anything for you."

The next morning we headed out for a random street in Los Angeles in hopes to find Jonah. Sounds a lot harder now.. We'll find a way.

Jonah's POV

5 hours later

So I'm back to work now. My manager wanted me to audition for this movie that I had no interest in..

I got a callback, and now I'm actually doing a bit more then I expected.

"Okay, Jonah. You simply have one hand on her waist and the other on her cheek. Got it?" The casting director said.

My manager said there wouldn't be an actual kiss. Symphony, My wife, and I are hiding in a building.

We're next to a window and we're about to kiss. But then out of nowhere, a sniper on a rooftop afar, shoots her in front of my eyes before we kiss... Special effects, right?

My character is a sniper himself who assisinated the president of Russia, and ever since, there's been a huge bounty on his head..

Doesn't sound like something for me but, my manager insisted.

"Got it" I responded.

"Action!" I heard.

"They're coming for me, you're not safe here" I say looking into her eyes.

"But I love you. All I care about is being with you."

I put my hand on her waist, and a few seconds later, my other hand on her cheek. Our lips were several inches apart.

"Now kiss" The director said smoothly.

She started coming closer as I pulled away.

"Wait, what? I thought there was no kiss" I said confused.

"Ahh, yes. Barry changed it. There's a kiss now. Symphony will be shot afterwards. The kiss will be there, ya know, goodbye."

"I'm not sure if I can do that though."

"Why not? Never kissed someone before?" he laughed, and a few others did.

"I'm serious."

"Why?" he asked

"... It's just... Something personal."

"Jonah, it's acting. We get it, you're new, but it's not real."

"I just... don't think this is for me."

I walked past the directors and left the room. My manager waited outside the doors.

"How'd it go?" Jeff asked.

"There's a kissing scene. I'm not doing it."

"Jonah, you need to get over this Andi girl."

I ignored him, walking outside. A few people were walking by but I just stood at the curb.. Waiting for anything...

After a few minutes, I started walking to my car which was a block away.

I was just going to drive to my favorite street on this side of town, 'Zoe's Street', and clear my head.. Andi is all I can think about...

Cyrus's POV

Me and Andi were just closing in on Zoe's Street, after an almost 5 hour drive. As we finally arrived to the street, it was beautiful.

The road was decorated with flowers, and the sidewalk was bigger then normal. There was a ton of plants and places where you could take pictures. It was amazing...

Me and Andi decided to split up, and just walk around. Personally I didn't think we were going to find Jonah here, and I don't think Andi did either, but we'd might as well look around.

Maybe 10 minutes later I saw someone who looked like Jonah from behind. He walked very slowly with his hands in his pockets. I followed him with low expectations.

I followed him for about a minute until he finally sat down on a chair. He faced away from me, but I tried to see his face.

Looking at him from the side... I was positive that was him.. But how!?

There has to be a 1 in a million chance of this.. Do I talk to him? Or should I call Andi?..

As I finally built up the courage to do it, I walked by him and sat in the chair across from him in the small circle table.

The second I looked at him he freaked out.

"Cyrus?!" he almost yelled, jumping back in his seat.

"I'm sorry for what I said" is all I could say.

"How are you here!? Why?!"

"We came here to find you."

"We?" he asked.

"Me and Andi."

"Where is she? No. I.. I don't want to see her."

"We broke up" I said.

"What? Why? Cyrus, she didn't cheat on you, I lied."

"She wants to be with you, Jonah"

"She does?" he said smiling.

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Much love!

The Boy, Cupid, And Me •Jandi+• AndimackWhere stories live. Discover now