Chapter. 16

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Andi's POV

1 Week Later

I woke up to find myself alone in bed. Jonah had already woken up, as always. He's one hell of a morning person.

After taking a shower and getting ready for the day, I went downstairs.

After taking a shower and getting ready for the day, I went downstairs

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I didn't hear anyone or anything. "Hello?! Jonah?" I called, with no response.

When walking into the dining room I noticed there was a plate with 2 strawberry donuts, a cup of ice coffee, and a note.

I walked up to the table and picked up the note.

Good morning!
I got you your favorite donuts and coffee!
I'm at a shoot, that I will probably be late for, but I'll be back around 2.
Love you!!!

Love you too... Jonah's so thoughtful.

While sitting at the table and eating, I was texting Buffy.

'Morning, how's it going? Any plans today?' I sent.

'Morning! Do I have plans today??? YAAAA!!! Today is going to be AMAZING!!!'

'What's happening?' I texted confused about her over excitement.

'Why do you want to know?' she texted back.

'Idk... Just bored... Curious... And you seem really excited...'

'Hmm... Guess...'

'You're getting a house? A dog? You have a date with Marty?'


'Well, what is it?'

Suddenly I heard knocks on the door. I put my phone in my pocket.

"Who could that be?" I whispered, walking to the door.

I looked through the peephole to find an unfamiliar face. She was a girl and looked not to older than me. I opened the door...

"Hello, my name is.. Leona," she said, taking a pause before saying her name.

"Umm, hello" I replied nicely.

She simply smiled, as there was a moment of awkward silence.

"Oh, right," she said after a few seconds. "Um, does Jonah live here?"

"Yes," I replied skeptically.

"Will you please come with me?" she asked. "It's just something in the van," she said pointing to her van parked in front of the driveway.

"Uh. Sure. Let me put on shoes first" I said.

I then put on my shoes and headed out to follow Leona to her van.

"So what are you showing me? Do you know Jonah?" I ask.

She didn't answer my questions, but still, we kept walking to the van.

"Can you answer my ahh~"

All of a sudden, I couldn't see... I couldn't talk... And I couldn't move...

Something was wrapped around my head. Like a blindfold. Something was put in my mouth, which wrapped around my neck. And I was being held, by what felt like 3 men...

I heard the door open to the van, as I felt like I was being put inside. I tugged and pulled as hard as I could, trying to scream for help, but it was no use.

I heard a door slam close, as I then felt air conditioning. I was definitely in the van.

I'm guessing I sat in the middle, as two men were holding my arms. I could just tell they were men from their hands.

But then it hit me... I'm being kidnapped... By people who know Jonah... I was terrified...

After about 5 minutes, they removed the cloth, that was wrapped around my neck and mouth.

I heard the lady again "Just be calm or we'll put it back on" she said politely...

I followed directions as I was scared, and it was very uncomfortable.

"Let go" I demanded, yanking my arms away from the guys holding them.

"You should probably just sleep. This will be a long ride" Leona told me.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked.

"You'll see."

"How do you know Jonah? why are you doing this?"

She didn't respond...

In the hopes of staying safe, I didn't talk or try anything but instead did what she insisted. Sleep...

4 Hours Later

I woke up to the sounds of fast cars... We must've been on the highway...

"What time is it?" I yawned.

"3:30" I heard Leona say. She was now right next to me though.

"Does this have anything to do with Amanda?" I asked to, again, no response.

"We're almost to our destination," she said.

"Where's that?"

"You'll see" she responded.

I became increasingly worried. Jonah should've been back home by 2 o'clock. Why hasn't he called or texted me?

I have my phone in my pocket. I hope nothing bad happened to him...

I listened to the music that was playing, for the rest of the ride.

"We're here," Leona said, after what felt like years. I heard the doors open again. I held a hand that directed me out of the van.

I almost tripped when coming out, but I caught myself. I was a bit dizzy when I finally got out.

"Where are we? What is this for?" I asked terrified.

"Shhh" I heard quietly followed by a giggle... I felt a hand again. I followed the way it moved.

This hand was different from the other though.. It was warmer... It was comfortable...

We started walking on grass, as I felt a breeze.

"Where are we going?" I asked, with no response.

I knew I could've gotten away at this point... But I had no idea where I was, and honestly, I was scared for my life. I'm positive Amanda is part of this...

We finally stopped, after a minute of walking.

"Andi" I heard in a very familiar voice...

I felt someone untying the blindfold...

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Much love!

The Boy, Cupid, And Me •Jandi+• AndimackWhere stories live. Discover now