Chapter. 5

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Jonah's POV

I felt terrible. Andi probably hates me now. There was only one way to fix it though. I need to tell.. Cyrus the truth about what happened.

I ran out of the apartment building. I saw Cyrus walking on the sidewalk.

I then chased after him and grabbed his wrist. "Cyrus!"

He yanked his arm away from me.

Wow, Cyrus got stronger.

I ran in front of him as he stopped walking

"Get out of my way" he demanded. He was angry. I saw it in his eyes. Like he was about to kill me...

Several people walking by looked at us. But I didn't care.

"Cyrus, it's me. Jonah. Do you remember me?"

"Jonah?" He grew a smile on his face.

He turned me around and put his arm around my neck and started walking with me...

"Is it really you?" he asked

"Yeah" I replied cheerfully. He walked me to the parking lot right next to the apartment building.

But suddenly, he slammed me onto a fence. My luck, I hit the pole, holding up the fence.

He then grabbed my neck with both of his hands. I quickly pushed him away.

"Cyrus, stop!" I yelled.

"This is all your fault!" He shouted.

"Yes, it's my fault!" I admitted. "I did everything! I went to her apartment, and I was the one who held her hand. Just don't be mad at her please."

"Why are you here Jonah?" he asked.

"I'm here to see my friends again."

"You came back for Andi."

"Yes," I admitted, "She told me she was with you. And the last thing I want to do is ruin that. I'm sorry."

"Follow me," he said.

We walked down the street and into another apartment building.

I guess this is where he lives?

I followed him to his room. It was bigger then Andi's, but still small. I'm not really used to small spaces but I guess it was okay.

"You can sit if you want," he said. "So what happened?"

I was confused. With Andi? "What do you mean?" I asked.

"Highschool" he replied.

"My dad got a promotion for his job. But the only way he could except it was if we moved to Los Angles. It was very hard for me. It was too hard to say bye to you guys.."

I could tell he felt sorry.

"Can I ask something?"

"What is it?" he responded.

"How did Andi take it? When I left.."

"She cried... A lot" he said.

I looked down.

"She thought you left because you didn't like her. I told her that was crazy. I comforted her a lot then. And spending so much time with her. I realized I liked her.."

"Thank you, Cyrus. For comforting her. You're a great friend Cyrus. You love Andi, right?" I asked.

"Of course."

"Then I'm glad she's with you." I really was. "Is The Spoon still around?" I asked.

"It's like half an hour away. But there's a diner in the lobby," he responded.

"Could we get some food, and just talk? On me."


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The Boy, Cupid, And Me •Jandi+• AndimackWhere stories live. Discover now