Chapter. 19

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Andi's POV

Several Months Later

These past few months being Jonah's fiancée was amazing. He can be really romantic when he wants to be.

Sometimes he'd take me out on a picnic under the stars, or to watch the sunset. He'd always pack my favorite foods. Especially chocolate covered blueberries.

Blueberries, plus chocolate... Doesn't get better than that.

Also, a few weeks ago I passed my class in interior designing. My plans are huge for what I want to do. I don't just want to do interior designing. I want to design everything!

Weddings, funerals, houses, buildings, you name it! I'm just starting with a small degree but I'm gonna make it count!

I'm going to start my own business of designing and decorating and I'm going to take over the industry!

I need to calm down.

Anyways, Jonah and I's wedding is in a week! I'm so excited! We're flying to Utah today.

We're going to have the wedding in Shady Park. Where Jonah proposed.. Where a lot of our memories are.

My mom and Buffy already helped me pick out my wedding dress. I almost have all the designs, layout, and decoration of the wedding planned, and I just can't wait!

"Andi, you ready?" I heard Jonah call from downstairs, taking me out of my thoughts.

"Yes!" I replied, grabbing my bag.

I ran downstairs, past Jonah, and out of the house. I put my bag in the back seat, and not too long after, we were on our way to the airport.

3 Hours Later

"We are 20 minutes away from our destination," the speaker said. 

I looked out the window to my right but then noticed Jonah was asleep. I admired him. He is so cute when he's asleep.

I put my hand in his pocket and took his phone. What? Every girlfriend does it...

I unlocked the phone putting in the password 2003 and went to his text messages. I looked through the names.

'Andi', 'Jeff', 'Mom', 'dad', 'Cyrus', 'Buffy', 'Marty', 'Bex', 'Bowie', 'Leona'. That's where I stopped. I looked through the last few messages with Buffy, from 2 days ago.

'When are you guys coming to Utah?' Buffy wrote.

'In 2 days. Can't wait!'

'Same! See you then!'

I then looked through the messages with Leona from a few days ago.

'Can't wait to see you again! Andi doesn't know, right? 😏' Leona started.

'She doesn't have a clue. Don't worry. 😄' he texted back.

I felt my stomach turn as I continued reading.

'You're the best boyfriend ever...'

'Can't wait to tell Andi! She's gonna love it!💖'


'I got to go, see you in a few days!'

'Saturday! Bye'

Jonah wouldn't cheat on me... Again. What are they talking about? I guess it's a surprise...

I looked at my sleeping beauty again as I put his phone back in his pocket, and put my head on his shoulder. He put his arm around me, comforting me.

I guess he wasn't asleep.

About 45 minutes later Jonah and I were off the plane and we got our suitcases and bags. We were supposed to meet Cyrus near the entrance of the airport, but we couldn't find him. Until...

"Jonah, Andi!" I heard from behind me.

We both turned around, finding Cyrus making his way toward us.

"How are you?" I asked Cyrus, hugging him.

"I've been doing good. How about you two?" Cyrus said, while 'guy hugging' Jonah.

"We're doing good too" Jonah replied. "I'm so excited."

"Ditto" I added.

"Me too, I can't wait!" Cyrus said, grabbing my suitcase and bag.

We started our way to Cyrus's car, as we started chatting. As we finally find his car, in the packed parking lot, we put everything in the trunk.

I sat in the backseat, as Jonah sat in the passenger seat. I was planning to take a nap anyway.

Jonah and Cyrus talked about random stuff as I tried to sleep. For some reason I couldn't though.. I guess I just wasn't tired, so I just closed my eyes.

After about 30 minutes on the road, it went quiet for a long period of time. Suddenly, I heard Cyrus whispering to Jonah.

"So what's the surprise you're getting for Andi?" he whispered.

"I don't want Andi to hear" Jonah whispered back.

"Say it in my ear."

Moments later, I heard Jonah whispering something, but I couldn't make out what he was saying.

"Seriously?!" Cyrus said loudly.

"Shhh," Jonah hissed.

"That's awesome. Andi's gonna love it" Cyrus whispered again.

"I hope so.."

What is my surprise!!! Gosh... Have you ever had that feeling where you're just going to explode!!!? That's exactly how I feel right now!

1 Hour Later

I woke up alone in bed.

I was in the guest bedroom of my parents' house. I then walked downstairs to find my mom in the kitchen.

"Mom!" I exclaimed.

"Andi!" she replied, hugging me.

"How are you?" she asked.

"Great. Where's dad?"

"He's at a meeting right now, he'll be back in a few"

"Okay," I replied. "Do you know where Jonah and Cyrus went?"

"Where they went? What do you mean?" she said nervously.

"Like.. Where are they?"

"Oh.. Yeah, they're out..." she said leaning back on the counter.

"Does this have anything to do with my surprise?" I questioned suspiciously.

"Hey, who wants pizza? I got pizza" she said opening the freezer.

"OK, let's get pizza" I chuckled.

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Much love!

The Boy, Cupid, And Me •Jandi+• AndimackWhere stories live. Discover now