Chapter. 13

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3 Weeks Later

Andi's POV

Its been 3 weeks since Jonah and I have gotten together, and it's been amazing.

He's kind, he loves to cuddle, he always compliments me, and probably the best part, he says "I love you" every day.

I don't know what he's going to do tomorrow since it's my birthday! He's never mentioned it.

I wonder if he forgot.. But he wouldn't forget...

He was in the gym, working out. Who works out before their girlfriend's birthday? What if he really did forget... Ugh, stop saying that.

Buffy then texted me while in the bedroom.

'So, what do you think he's gonna get you?' it read.

"I honestly have no idea. I don't even know if he remembers. I don't wanna tell him. That's like asking for a gift.' I texted back.

'He didn't forget, don't think that. He'll probably get you your favorite flowers, your favorite food, and just make the day all about you. And... Idk maybe at the end... A lil fun, if you know what I mean.. 😜😜😜 have you guys ever yet?'

'May I just say, 'get out wit yo dirty self'. And for your information, no we have not. Yet. Idk..'

'Lol. I gotta run. I'll call you tomorrow. Ttyl babe😘😘'

I then headed downstairs to get some blueberries. In the kitchen, I heard a buzz. Knowing it was Jonah's phone, I ignored it.

I then heard it again just after a few seconds though.. I went to go check in the gym.

I cracked the door and Jonah was facing the other way, on the treadmill. He had earbuds plugged into an mp3 player.

I heard the buzz again.. I walked up to the phone, on the arm of the couch. I swiped it.

It had a 4-digit password you needed to type in. Unsurely, I typed in 2-0-0-2, his birth year. It didn't work...

Was he born in 2003?... I typed in 2-0-0-3, and it worked!

I could've sworn he was born in 2002... I was born in 2003... Is it my birth year? How sweet.

It was a random number texting him.

'Jonah, right? It's Amanda.' It read.

'Can't wait till tomorrow!!! Xoxo'

I then heard Jonah come out of the gym, but I was still trying to comprehend what was going on.

What's happening tomorrow? So he did forget my birthday. That doesn't matter... Is he cheating on me? Who is this?!

"Is that my phone?" I heard him ask.

"Who is this?" I questioned back.

"Who?" he replied.

"Amanda!" I showed him the phone. "and what's going on tomorrow!?"

"Calm down. That's just my cousin. We were supposed to do a shoot tomorrow, but I told her another time. Besides, tomorrow is something far more important" he said finally smiling.

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