Chapter. 7

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Andi's POV

I had my head on his exposed chest as we were under the covers of the bed.

"I love you" I heard.

"I love you too" I responded.

"Don't tell Cyrus" he then laughed.

"Jonah?" I said confused looking up at him.

I'm in bed with Jonah...

I screamed as I jumped out of the bed, but to only realize... I'm naked...

"NO!" I yelled sitting up.

I looked around... No Jonah.

"Thank god, it was just a dream," I said aloud.

I looked at my clock. 10:27 it read.

I then grabbed my phone.

'2 Text messages' I read from the notification feed.

'Cyrus, 2 hours ago:'

'Won't be home all day. 8 at the latest.' I read.

'Ok,' I texted back.

Sometimes Cyrus has to drive out of state for shoots. The company he works for pays for his gas, so I guess it's not a hassle. Except the driving for hours alone part...

'Jonah, 5 minutes ago:'

'Wanna do something today. Have a little fun?' His voice echoed in my head.

Remembering my dream, I got worried about what he meant.

'What did you have in mind?'

'There's a bowling place near me. Do you like that?'

'Sounds OK. Just to be clear. This is just for fun, right? Friends?'

'Of course. :) I'll pick you up.'


After getting ready, I texted Jonah to ask when he'll be here.

'I'm on my way now. I'm texting and driving for you. ;)'

The winky face was very unneeded...


After about 15 minutes I got a text from Jonah.

'I'm outside.' it read.

I grabbed my purse, left the room, and headed for the stairs. As I walked outside, I realized had no idea where Jonah was...

Until I heard 3 loud car honks. I walked over to where I heard it and there Jonah was. He drove a purple Ford Challenger. A sexy car for a sexy guy... What...

I got in the passenger seat. "Hey, nice car," I said.

"Thanks" he responded. "About last night... Of course, I'll stay. I don't think I can for too long though. I'm on a break from work right now, so I'll have to go back at some point."

"Oh.. Okay. As long as you're here now" I said holding his hand.

Several seconds later I realized my mistake and let go. He then started driving.

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