Chapter. 9

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Jonah's POV

"Andi!" I yell.

I quickly lunge over the railing, reaching as far down as I possibly could, almost falling myself. I grabbed Andi's wrist and I was going to hold on to it even if it meant I was going to fall too.

She held her other hand in the air as I grabbed it. I then pulled her back up with 1 big pull. I held her in my arms as I walked back inside.

I laid her on the bed and said "Please put on some clothes."

I then turn around, looking out the balcony, thinking about how close we both came to death.

I imagined in my head 'half-naked lady and guy fall off a balcony to their death' as the lead breaking news story. I almost laugh, before remembering this is serious.

I turned around when I heard her put on her clothes. "Are you hungry?" I ask.


"Well, you need to eat. How about I order a pizza? We can watch a movie or two. Anything" I say.

I walk towards the door and hand motion 'after you'. She went into the living room, but before I followed I took my phone that laid on the bed.

I saw she didn't text Cyrus the picture so I quickly deleted it and went into the living room.

Andi was sitting on the couch as I heard a phone ring. Andi then pulled out her phone.

"It's Cyrus!" she beamed.

"No!" I yelled. "Don't answer!"

"What, why not?"

"Because," I say, taking her phone.

"Hey! That's mine, not yours."

"Right now it's mine," I say turning off the phone.

A few minutes later I ordered pizza and put on a movie. Towards the end of the movie, she had her head on my lap, fast asleep.

I let her lay her head on me and by the time the movie was over, we were both asleep.

I woke up at around 7:30 as I quickly put on a shirt and carried Andi to my car. Thankfully, no one was in the elevator. That would've been weird.

I put her in the passenger seat as I put her seatbelt on. I then drove to her apartment.

Halfway there Andi started talking... Still asleep though.

"Let's have some fun" she softly giggles.

As we get to her apartment, I took her purse and carried her in my arms again.

I carry her all the way to her room and sit her down in front of her door. I then look for her keys in her purse.

After finding them, it took me a moment to open the door, as she had several keys.

I took her inside and laid her down on her bed. I ripped a piece of paper off of her notebook, took a pen, and wrote her a note.

"I love you" I whispered, then kissing her forehead.

Before I walked out I looked back at Andi. You'll never love me...

I should've never done this. I should've never come back. What I did proves I don't deserve you...

"Bye," I whispered, hoping for a response.

I then walked out closing the door, but to only come 1 on 1 with Cyrus.

The Boy, Cupid, And Me •Jandi+• AndimackWhere stories live. Discover now