Chapter. 22

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Andi's POV

I went back into the house, ignoring Cyrus, and went into the bedroom. I flopped on the bed as soon as I entered the room.

Look, I believe Jonah. I think... But his story just seems way too farfetched.

"She just threw herself on me"? Like, why would Amber do that? I've been talking to her for months now and she's been nothing but nice.

I'm done with her whether he tricked Jonah or not.

Cyrus suddenly came through the door. He looked quietly angry.

"So just like that? You're done with Jonah? He told you the truth. Why can't you just believe your own boyfriend who waited years to be with you?" he said in an angry tone.

"I don't know if I believe him" I responded.

"What are you gonna do Andi?" he instantly questioned when I finished talking.

I didn't respond, as I didn't know the answer.

I want to believe him so badly, but it's so hard to. This is the second time I've caught him 'cheating' on me. Who's to say he doesn't have other girls who just throw themselves on him?

Jonah's POV

I wiped the tears from my eyes as I looked through the contacts of my phone. I was trying to find 'Mom', but of course, for some reason, it's not in alphabetical order.

Still failing to find 'mom', I came across my old friend, Vanessa. I instantly pressed call. She was a, if you will, "love expert".

Any problem you had involving someone you had feelings for, she could fix it. In fact, in high school, people would pay her for her help.

*Ring *ring *ring.

"Hey, what's up Jonah?!" she answered enthusiastically.

"Hey Vanessa" I responded. "You still take patients?"

"Valentines Day 3-6-5 up in here! What is it?"

"Well... Me and Andi" I started. I hated telling this same story over and over again today, but I still told her everything, leaving out nothing.

"And now she hates me, and we're getting married in a few days, and she gave me her ring, and.. Aghhh"

"Well. I think she just needs some time. Andi, she wants to believe you. But a part of her can't. This is the second time now~"

"Can we please forget about that" I interrupted, annoyed.

"Okay, okay. You just need to let her know how much you love her."

"How much I love her? I do that every day. I do anything I can to let her know that I love her."

"You need to do something special for her. Think outside the box. Don't give her a box of chocolates or buy her jewelry. Do something big."

"You know what.. I think I know exactly what to do. Thanks so much, Vanessa."

"Glad I could help."

"Talk to you later."


I quickly got out of the car to find Andi. I went into the house and made my way upstairs. I stopped at the door as I heard talking.

"I just don't know what to do anymore" I heard Andi say.

I'm guessing Cyrus was in there. I didn't see him when coming in.

"Just.. Trust him" I heard Cyrus say. "Believe him. He's worth it. If you really don't want to be with Jonah, then, of course, I'll always be here for you... But I think you'll always wonder what could've happened, if you simply, trusted him."

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