Chapter. 6

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Andi's POV

I grabbed my helmet from the lobby and put it on the floor next to my bed. I don't know what to do. Cyrus hates me. Jonah's gone...

No.. Jonah doesn't matter. Jonah did this.

I laid there on my bed thinking of what I could say to Cyrus. 20 minutes and I had nothing but "I'm sorry."

I'll have to start from there and see how it goes.

I then headed to Cyrus' apartment.

What if he doesn't want to move in together anymore? Just keep high hopes...

I walk into the lobby and I see Cyrus.. with... Jonah!?

Jonah's POV

"What!, you're a model?" Cyrus said confused.

"I'm a photographer, that'd be awesome if we could do a shoot sometime!"

"Totally! And I also do a little acting, but it was really my agent who got me into that though. Nothing big."

"Well, you got yourself set" Cyrus smiled.

"Pays well."

"Cyrus?" I heard from behind him.

It was Andi. As Cyrus turned around, she came to the table looking at me. Then at Cyrus.

"Cyrus, I'm so sorry. I~"

"It's, OK. Jonah told me everything." Cyrus said.

"Oh.. So, we're OK?"

"Yea." They hugged...

Andi is really happy with Cyrus, and being a good friend means I need to respect that. I can do that...

Cyrus then pulled up a chair for her.

"So guess what Andi!" Cyrus exclaimed. "Jonah is a model! Slash actor."

"What have I seen you in?" she faced me.

"I've only done a few commercials and extra gigs," I told her. "I am in 1 thing, but I don't think I'm allowed to say yet. But for modeling, I usually do clothing lines and things like that.

"That's cool," she said.

"What do you do?" I asked.

"Well I don't work right now, but I'm taking online classes for interior designing. I've been designing things my whole life, so I hope to start a business one day of designing houses, weddings, funerals, you name it."

Her eyes sparked talking about her life goals. It was cute.

I don't really have life goals. I never did.

"Sounds like you got it" I smiled.

We continued talking for a while as we munched on the tater tots that had just been served. Andi, Cyrus, and I caught up on so much...

A lot of the time it was awkward though. Sometimes they both would be touching each other and I felt uncomfortable.

Eventually, it got too uncomfortable and I told them I had to finish something at my hotel.

Is this it for me and Andi? I came back to Utah to be with Andi, but she's with Cyrus. Does she even like me anymore?

Andi's POV

Jonah was acting a little weird. I hope he doesn't think I'm still mad at him. I'm glad he told Cyrus what happened.

Eventually, Jonah had to go, but Cy and I still sat as we continued talking.

"So for the apartment, where do you think we should put things?" Cyrus asked me.

"I don't know yet," I told him feeling a little sad.

"Are you OK?"

"I'm fine" I lied.

When Jonah left, a little piece of me went missing. A part of me that made me feel... Happy.

Cyrus asked if I wanted to watch a movie. I responded "yes" as we headed to his room.

He put on The Amazing Spider-Man, but in the middle of it, he fell asleep.

I laughed when I saw him. I turned off the movie and I went home to call it a day.

As I entered my room, I noticed a paper under the door. I picked it up.




I then closed the door and sat on my bed. I got my phone and put in the number as Jonah. I texted him.

'Thank You
,Andi' I sent him.

'For what?'

'For telling Cyrus.'

'No problem. It was my fault. I don't want to ruin your relationship.'

I felt his emotions through the text.

'Will you be staying in Utah?' I asked.

'I don't know... I came here to be with you... I love you, Andi. It would just be too weird if I stay..'

I didn't want him to leave. I don't know if I love him.. How could he still love me?

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Much love!

The Boy, Cupid, And Me •Jandi+• AndimackWhere stories live. Discover now