Chapter. 20

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Andi's POV

I had just finished eating some pizza and was in the bedroom. I thought about what Jonah's surprise was. That was literally all I could think of, and it was killing me, not knowing.

The door then opened.

"Hey, sleepyhead," Jonah said playfully.

"Hey," I said, still laying in bed.

"What's wrong?" he asked concerned.

"Nothing's wrong. Why do you ask?"

He sat by my feet. "I can tell. What's wrong?"

I can't believe this surprise is actually making me act like this. A surprise is good and it's not a surprise if I know what it is, so why am I so worried about knowing?

"Nothing's wrong" I reassure him smiling.

"You sure?"


He stares at me, his charm melting my insides.

"Okay" he breaks the silence. "There's pizza downstairs, want some?" he says, standing up.

"I ate some earlier" I reply.

"Oh, um okay. Well, I'm gonna have some. Do you need anything?"

"I'm good."

"Okay. I love you" he says leaving the room.

"Love you too" I reply.

I need to drop this, now. I'm not gonna spend all my time trying to figure out a surprise I shouldn't even know about.

2 Days Later

Jonah's POV

I woke up with Andi in my arms. My leg was also sore from yesterday. I tripped when playing basketball.

I got out of bed, as I glanced at the alarm clock. '7:13' it read.

I then headed into the bathroom to get ready for the day. Later today, I was planning to take out Andi for a picnic. Maybe 7, 8ish to watch the sunset.

After about 10 minutes I headed downstairs and took the keys to the rental car. I was going to get donuts for everyone.

After coming back, I rested the dozen donuts box on the kitchen counter.

I then took the 2 plain donuts I wanted, and put them on a plate, as I sat on the living room couch. I turned on the TV to find the president of our beloved nation... Donald Trump... Yay.

My god, this man is plastered all over the world. "Trump did this, Trump did that" I mocked in my head.

As I dozed off, I thought about me and Andi. Hopefully, she'll like my surprise... Hopefully, she'll love it. Maybe we could start a family one day...

I was soon snapped out of my thoughts to 2 faint knocks on the door. I stood up and made my way to the door as I opened it.

It was Amber. I felt a chill run through my spine. I still secretly held a grudge on her...

"Oh, hey Amber" I started. "What're you doing here so early?"

"Well honestly, I didn't think anyone would be awake, but I just wanted to hang out or something," she said, with a smile. She spoke a little shyly.

"Sure, I have donuts inside. Want some?" I said, standing aside for her to come in.

"Oh, cool, thanks." She came in as I directed her to the kitchen.

We soon sat down on the couch, as we chatted. She told me about when she had a one night stand. Honestly, it was hilarious.

The guy had been trying to get with her all day, and it was only till her car broke down and she needed money that she finally gave in. It was funnier how she told it, but that was basically the story.

I think my laughs woke someone up, as I thought I heard the faucet running, but I ignored it. It wasn't until I heard footsteps coming from the stairs that I knew someone was up.

Amber had just been telling me about her roommate, Becca, when she stopped and turned her head to the stairs. She quickly looked at me, pushed me over on the couch, and got on top of me.

My first instinct was to make sure she didn't fall off the couch, so I held onto her, putting my arms around her. She then smashed her lips on mine...

I couldn't register what was going on. So I didn't push her off.

I let her me kiss me... It lasted for about 3 seconds until I finally heard "What the fuck!?" coming from what sounded like.. Andi...

I quickly pushed Amber off of me. But only to find Andi, looking into my soul in sadness, disgust, and betrayal...

She then ran up the stairs. I already felt her pain, just by the look on her face.

I quickly turned to Amber, who was collecting her things.

"What was that?!" I yelled angrily.

"My plan.. Operation break you fuckers up." She then stood up and headed for the door.

I sat normally as I messed up my hair in frustration.

"I may forgive, but I'll never forget" I heard. "Ehh, I won't forgive either actually."

The door then closed.

Worrying about Andi, I ran upstairs to our bedroom. The door was locked.

I knocked repetitively, repeating her name. I heard sobs on the other side of the door.

Almost a minute later she opened the door, with a knife in hand. Worried she would use it on me, or even worse, herself, I told her to put it down. She wasn't messing around though.

"Get out" she demanded emotionless, covering her face.

"What, no" I replied.

She uncovered her face. Her eyes were red.. Her face even redder... She looked like she was about to explode in anger, but at the same time, burst into tears.

"Get out" she repeated more strictly. She held the knife inches away from my chest.

I didn't believe Andi would ever hurt me, so I didn't flinch. I put my hand over her's on the knife.

"What's going on?" I then heard from behind me.

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The Boy, Cupid, And Me •Jandi+• AndimackWhere stories live. Discover now