Chapter. 21

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Jonah's POV

"What's going on?" I then heard from behind me.

I turned around to see Bowie. He looked like he'd just woken up.

Andi then slammed the door in my face.

"What happened?" Bowie asked.

I told him what had happened.

"And she just threw herself on me. I didn't do anything. And~"

"Liar!" I heard on the other side of the door. The door suddenly opened. "I saw it all! You had your arms around her! So don't even lie!"

She suddenly took off her ring and threw it down the hall, and down the stairs.

I didn't care about the ring, I was going to explain to Andi exactly what had happened. She tried pushing me as I went into the room with her, but I was stronger than her.

Bowie shut the door, as I entered the room.

"Get out!" she yelled.

"Andi, please, just let me explain," I said calmly.

"No! I'm done with you and your lies!" she continued yelling.

I felt embarrassed Bowie, and possibly Bex heard our entire conversation.

"Andi, please calm down and let me explain."

She then took her knife and locked herself in the bathroom.

"Andi, please don't do this again," I said frantically, as I was very worried.

"Then stop talking to me" she replied, finally not yelling.

Not wanting Andi to use the knife on herself, I obeyed. I simply sat on the bed in front of the bathroom door. I could've sworn I heard sobs, but they were faint. I started tearing up, knowing Andi feels like nothing right now.

After about 10 minutes I finally said something.

"Andi," I said basically whispering.

"Just leave me alone" she pouted.

Bowie soon came in handing me the ring Andi threw earlier. I thanked him.

After about another 10 minutes, I heard the front door open and close. It sounded like someone was in a hurry.

Cyrus, then came through the door asking what had happened. I tried explaining to him.

"I was in the living room and~"

"You liar!" Andi cut me off.

The bathroom door suddenly opened. Andi dragged Cyrus into the bathroom with her.

I heard Andi explaining what she saw to Cyrus. That's the thing though.. That's what she saw, but that's not what actually happened. Why won't she just let me talk?

"He was kissing her, with his arms around her, for like 5 seconds" I heard blurted out.

"Andi! Let me explain what happened!" I yelled.

She came out of the bathroom, holding Cyrus's hand. She then, out of nowhere...

Andi looked me dead straight in the eye, and then smashed her lips onto Cyrus'. I couldn't believe what I saw...

They kissed for almost three seconds until I pushed Cyrus off of her. I couldn't control my anger.

I slammed Cyrus onto the wall as hard as I possibly could. I was surprised I didn't break the wall.

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