Lies and Secrets

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Writer note:
I forgot the name of the person who wrote the song.

You wake up in your gold and purple room. Your drawer at the foot of the bed and an end table right beside you. You grabbed your "pet" and her name was y/p. Even tho it was nothing but a stuffed plushie of a canine. You grab her and you wander into the kitchen trying to find yourself a coke or Pepsi or sprite. As you found your drink you see as you walk past your porch door to see a shady figure standing in your lawn looking into the distance. As you quickly get into normal clothes you thought to yourself  Omg is this going to be like in an anime where someone from a distant race came to the earth and live aside them and one loved the alien and they loved them back. Once back into focus Y/n looked for him.......

No one was there now all you saw was a melting figure faintly saying "if u tell a friend your normal will (quicker) end. And the last thing he said if you date my son and you are eating pizza say you have a pizza of my heart." He laughed. 

The figure:.....
Y/n: "well you might as well leave or you will get a pizza of my punches!" You said trying to be tough about it. As soon as you said that the melting figure left. What the fuck just happened to me with this ...this MADNESS. Did I smoke some cannabis last night or what. I-i don't understand all of this. As you thought to yourself as you walked back into your own home. You still think the monsters living near was a bad idea but you've remembered YOU was the one who wanted to live near the monsters. As soon as you opened the door to your purple and gold bedroom.


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You plopped on your bed both tired and confused about what just happened. Then as you thought about what just happened you ended up going to sleep. You dreamt about Gastersans Standing the way he did earlier. You were just about to run when he turns his just slightly only to see his golden eye glowing. The eye started having flames coming from it. And then he-"Ring ring Ring that's tone your best friend is calling you better pick up the phone!"

You groaned in anger because you wanted to see the end of the dream. You pick up your phone. It was your best friend y/bff! You opened your phone from the lock screen and you remembered it was all the way up and is shown in your eyes. It burnsssssssss hisssssssssssssssss. As you quickly toned down the light on your phone and answered it you saw it was 1:59 AM. "Hey Y/N I need to talk to you!" As you normally assumed it was just your best friend just talking on the phone a lot as she does you said " Oh come on Y/Bff whatever it is it must be really sill-" "I almost killed one of those nasty monsters."
You can play the song on top of this page.

As you listened to her you asked her "Was it by accident because if I was then I can help you!" You said thinking about that tall skeleton that was on your lawn. "It was an armless monster that was brown and yellow but now it's also going to be black and blue. Hahaha. And what do you mean by accident?" She said. You hung up as soon you hear that last sentence she said. Oh no I gotta tell someone tomorrow about this mess.

You can stop the song now if you like you can play this song for this next part.

*****A few hours later *****
You as you were walking up to the nearest monster and human police station you saw your best friend. She happily walks towards you with a psychopathic smile. You look at it remembering when you were younger smiling just the same way. And that happened whenever you were angry or sad or.......sometimes other things. She walked up to you "Oh hey didn't expect you out here at least at this time really 10:37 AM are you worried or something" she said looking at you suspiciously. "Oh no no no I wasn't I was just walking out that's it." That's what you said when you got a picture of your "Best Friend" and a USB port of you and her conversation last night. Huh, I guess recording conversations on my phone was actually a good Idea. The USB had a note saying on it "PLZ LOOK AT THIS" you set the picture and the port in the police station. Then your "Friend" took you by the hand to walk with her. Were you were walking down the street your "friend" said, "So was you able to find a new boyfriend?" You immediately blushed on the site of the question then you thought yourself oh no no no no no am I blushing so I like that skeleton guy I but I barely know him ohhhhhh shi----"Y/N are you listening?" Y/Bff said snapping her fingers only to remember she can't snap her fingers. As you snapped your fingers to mock her you said "YeahhhhhhhhhhNo I wasn't" after you said that you looked at the corner of your eye seeing Undyne charging after your best friend or at least you thought she was. You stop dead in your tracks looking down onto the hard pavement sidewalk and said quietly "don't call me tonight" as your ex-best friend turned back to look at you. You were trying not to cry but little droplets of tears were starting to grow on the corners of your eyes. "What did you say?" From the lady in front of you. You said louder as you raised your head up with a clenched fist, angry and disappointed eyes, tears about to cause a flood of emotions and you said: "DON'T CALL ME TONIGHT OR CALL ME A FRIEND FOREVER." After you said that Undyne jumped over you and pinned down the stranger you once knew. You turned around and started to walk home and the last words you said to her was "Where did my best friend go? You killer?" She then said, "Why don't you grow up you bitch?" You stopped for a moment and then continue to walk home almost about to cry because there is no one here to love you anymore. You are truly alone now.

*****A few hours later*****

You sit inside your room. Unable to get any sleep. You decided to take a walk outside. You were near a park so you decided that would be a great place to think. You grabbed your shorts, your galaxy shirt, and a black jacket to put together with some opened toed flats.

You walked out of the house

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You walked out of the house. And as soon as you did that you saw the skeleton guy again. The next thing that happened was you seeing a car that drove by on the road and the skeleton man disappeared. You looked around to try to see him. But he was gone. As you walked to the park. You heard some footsteps behind you.  You turned around quickly to see who's there but there no one but as you turned back around you saw your ex-bf and a golden flower but then you started to see some vines rise up and they all had sharp thorns and your ex-friend held a knife in her hand. Then you ran away or you thought because flowey used a thorny vine on your leg to keep you from running. Then flowely use his vine to drag you near him and your ex-friend "Since you have no more purpose to your friends and family there is no purpose living." After she said those words you find yourself being fling into the sky and the all you see now is yourself falling from what to be your end. Dang it, I'm going to die....... Wait I'm not dead!? You open your eyes finding yourself in a bed in an unfamiliar room and you see that skeleton you saw in your dream before. Looking outside the window.

Wow that was something right I'm gonna do more OK guys it may be slow at first but it will be great bye!

The Gold The Imagination The Chara (GSans X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now