is love strong? part 2 (final+epilouge)

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(WARNING this is gonna be slightly off because I stopped writing in 2018 ish, and I'm trying to finish it in 2019)

G's Pov

As I opened my eyes to see Y/N hadn't killed me yet. As I looked up towards my mother she looked as if her son betrayed her. "YOU IDIOT!  DON'T YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'VE DONE?! FUCK THE DEAL WE'VE MADE. I HOPE YOU DIE!" my mother yelled. Y/n lessen the grip on me so I landed on the floor still weak. Then I saw y/n walk up to her in complete silence.

I don't know what she's going to do but it's something big. I bet.

Y/N pov.

As I walked closer to that bastard that turned me against everyone, even Chara,  I spoke these words "Release them or otherwise they shall know the true soul of yours." I said to her face with no remorse, no mercy, and no resistance. "Why Should I? They will be under my control!" She yelled at me. I growled at her as my eyes turned red and my teeth have grown. 

"You monster Listen You will die if you don't take action!" She yelled at me again. I didn't listen as I tried to attack her, but it is of no avail. She was able to block my attacks greatly. "Airi! Stop it now, And explain about the death part." Chara said to her "Huh. Heh thought you would never call me that after what I did to you Sister." Airose said as the whole place went silent. After a moment of silence G then spoke. "MOM!" G yelled as his mother glared at him. "What is it your pitiful excuse of a son?" she said I growled at her as G said, "Is Chara, my aunt?" G asked but Airose remained silent "WELL?" G yelled.

"Yes. Yes, she is and Frisk is your cousin."His mom said as she then laughed a bit

I then attacked G's mom again. She then summoned Gaster Blasters as I attacked her, but before it got to me G them summoned some bones to shield me but that only made him weaker. I then ran from her to sans, but Frisk was in the way. "Move Frisk!" I yelled as Frisk attacked me. I tried my best not to hurt her as I tried to make my way to G. "STOP IT!" Then I heard a familiar loud voice. "Pap?" G said as he was still somewhat weak. "I'm here brother. I'm here!" he said as he looked at G. 

He then used his bones to make Frisk stop fighting me. "Go to Sans!" Pap yelled to me. I nodded as I ran towards him. "G. Please, you're gonna be ok," I said to him as I hugged him tightly as he hugged back. "MOTHER! EXPLAIN! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS WHY?" Papyrus yelled to his mother. She then laughed insanely "Well my youngest, sweetest, cutest son. The answer is humans are evil and deserve to die." she said in a pure rage "Like you?" Chara said. Then Airose pins Chara to wall choking her. Then Frisk shook her head before yelling "MOM NO!" She yelled at Chara. Then Airose loosen her grip before asking "And why do you say that sister?" She asked

"Because you were human like me and you said that I slept with your boyfriend but he raped me!" Chara yelled

Everyone looked at Airose in hate. "WHAT THE FUCK MOM?!" G yelled, "YEAH WHAT THE HELL?!" I yelled Papyrus then looked at disappointment at his mom and said "You are not my mom." he said as he attacked her but then she summoned a giant gaster blaster then blasting at pap. I Then summoned a large rose wolf to defend him. "You are not going to hurt anyone again!" I yelled as I blasted her. She took some heavy damage to the blast, but she held her ground as we fought."Listen Y/N you're close. You're close on giving birth I know." Airose said as G looked in shock and realized what is about to happen. "Well, your time will be up as well," I said as she was about to blast me, but before she could G stood in front of me and took the hit.

"You are not going to hurt her." He said scowling at his mom.

He looked as if the hit he took didn't show any sign of damage. I then felt something off. My child is coming. "G. They are coming." He looked surprised at me and then picked me up. "Not on my watch!" Airose said as she tried to attack us but Pap covered us as balls of fire attacked Airose as we noticed it was by Toriel, Asriel and Asgore.

"How dare you tell a lie about your sister," Toriel said to Airose. "Go we'll hold them off," Asriel said to G as he nodded then ran. "Nnaagg hurry!' I said to him as he was trying to run to the door. But only to be blocked by Airose. "what made you think you can get away?! You took my sons away after you killed my happy story from the start. You destroy everything I worked hard for!" she yelled out in anger.

I then heard someone in my head, and it was trying to say something to me to tell her. I realized it was gaster. I wondered why he would tell me this but; I believe he is gonna speak the right words to her so I used my powers again to move her out of the way but after I used it weakened rather quickly. Too quickly at this time, for any kind of magical person.  I knew the child was coming sooner than I thought. "G-G hurry" I whined in pain. G nods as he summons his gaster blaster and blasted his mother though the doors. 

In the back of my head, I wondered. Why? Why would she know when I was gonna get ready to give birth. As G looked back to see the situation as did I we say gaster confront her. Even though we were going further and further away I heard him talk, I'll assume G did as well. 

"you are just as bad as humans," gaster said as evil as I ever heard him refer to humans.

As G with, enough a few minutes behind because him seeing his father angry, tried to carry me to the car that Toriel brought. I can tell he wasn't holding up well, his wounds, injuries, everything. It was holding him back. "G-G you ok?" I asked him trying to calm down as the baby was trying to come along. "I-I'm fine" he lied. He was bleeding out wasn't helping the situation at all. 

He then sees the car that Tori, Asgore, and Asriel came on, it was a small minivan. Once he got to the car there was undyne looking annoyed sitting in the driver seat. We safely assumed she wanted to join the party as well, yet sadly she couldn't. I saw Alphys in the passenger seat. 

"T-take her to t-the hospital, now" he was barely able to speak as he put me into a back passenger seat before passing out. Alphys got out as she grabs G and moves him out of the way and puts him into the car as well as she got in the back with us. As soon as everyone is secure Undyne put the gear in hyperdrive and started on her way. "How, d-did you?" I muttered as alphys stops me. "p-please rest now, y-you'll n-n-need it" she stuttered as she bandaged all, well most, of G's wounds so he won't turn into my dusty memory of him.

Within a few moments we got to the hospital I felt relieved mostly because G can get himself some help as well as I. Though that happiness didn't last long. As I was being rushed into the birthing room, somehow I felt myself getting weaker like I was having a birthing illness. after about an hour or two of giving birth, it succeeded. I had two children, a girl, and a boy. The girl had golden eyes, like him, yet somehow a darker skin tone compared to mine but not much.

the boy had my eye color with more of a lighter color of his skin compared to me.though, before I saw them. there was an incident apparently where I passed out. I knew why I did. The Doctors claimed it was because the birthing process was just hard for me. Though it wasn't. The kids. Me and G's kids took my magic. I wasn't sure how much. But it was worth it.

5 years later.

After the incident the people and monsters was able yo accept me and G's new hybrids and I happy for it because it's showing me anyone can be anything. Asgore and Tori are dating again. Papy is in a bit of a situation with mettaton but it's worked out. Frisk and Asreial are in high school. Chara is staying with tori.  Gaster we don't know. And my magic is slowly coming back. And G got a job with grilby's to pay off his tab. That he needs to work on for 20 more years. But I'm happy with ending.

((Sorry for years of not finishing it drama is what happened I'm sorry. And yeah))

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