My New Soul

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Y/N Pov




"huh?" I said as I woke up in the same bed with G. I was wearing my favorite galaxy PJ's shirt and my sweat pants and G had no shirt but gray sweat pants. He is still sleep he must have been worn out because of that. I looked around me seeing that we are in G's room. I blushed a bit when I realized that I feel asleep in the car. he must have taken me into his room when i sleeping. I then remembered what he said last night right before I was completely asleep. Ester and Aquri.......... What was that question? Oh! If we had kids. Oh my Glob Y/N why did you think that!!!!! I thought. I guess want to have kids? Do I just want a family? Do i want to just mature already? Or maybe I want to be with him and have a family? Then something just came to mind. I quickly look behind me to check if G he is still sleeping. I then quickly but quietly sat up on the edge of the bed. After I did so my right hand started to glow. I then I held out my hand and see as my see my soul form in front of me.

I then I saw my soul it looks different. It look like gold is starting to grow on it. There is still some darkness on it but it's less irritated. I then thought so if my soul is growing gold that means it's growing a bit pure? I thought. I did not realize that G was behind me the whole time staring at me until he said "I like you soul doll face." I then blushed at what he said. I kept my eyes focused on my soul as I said "O-Oh your awake! I didn't know that you was there the whole time! And t-thank you my soul never looked like this before though." I said as I turned my head a little towards him.

"Really?" He asked. I looked back towards him slightly. His eyes have a young child's eyes of curiosity and innocence.  I then said "My soul was a raspberry color purely then it grew black in some areas when I was..." I trailed off but I quickly continued saying "And now it's this." Even though when G was looking at me for the reason why I trailed off he didn't questioned it, thankfully.

"Hey dove, since it's now part gild does that mean my love is in your soul?" He questioned. After a few minutes of thinking about it I noticed how my ears,  cheeks, and face started to blush all together. "W-Well that is a possibility isn't it?" I laughed nervously as I put my hand on my chest to put my soul back. He then hugged me from behind. I was just sitting there enjoying his embrace. Then I looked at the clock across from me. 10:32am.

We must have been sleeping for a good while. "Come on G let's eat something okies?" I asked. He nodded and let me go. As we both got out of bed and walked downstairs I saw a note on the table. It said "To Y/N and Sans
You too are cute together I ship it anyways you should get the monstermail email on both of you dancing last night I hope you enjoy it.

Love Undyne and Alphys."

I cringed a bit thinking about that dance again. I was annoyed but I believe they was right. We are cute together. G then snapped his fingers and summoned his phone. And checked his email. As he thought Alphys email was sent to him. We both then cooked some bacon. ( it's not burned for now huehuehue!) We've also got ourselves some of those small waffles. As we finished eating breakfast I took a little shower then G. As he came out of the bathroom he quickly grabbed his jacket and headed straight for the door.

"Where you going?" I questioned him. Wondering why he is leaving really quickly and without warning in advance. He then said  that he has some matters to tend to that I can't understand yet. Even though I believed that I can understand but I remembered he don't know my whole backstory and I don't know all of his so I let him go.

It's been a few minutes after G headed out for his werid thing. I then noticed something. Something wrong. My hand was turning black I then summoned my rose wolf only to see half of her roses grew black. As I tried to keep my mind stable I summoned my soul seeing that the black darkness was filling up my soul. As soon I put my soul back me and my rose wolf was what I believed to teleport into a completely different room.
I saw my ex-boyfriend, Ramen, sleeping on his bed. I was quickly filled with rage. As I remembered him saying he love me only to stop once he had a chance to use my body for a little bit of pleasure. (No didn't completely have sex with him) As I remembered that a rose thorn grew large on some form of a glove even though it is my arm and my wolf's teeth grew sharper. And involuntary I stabbed his left eye as the wolf bit of his other eye.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh MY EYES MY EYES!" He yelled. I just stared at him with a blank stare. I grabbed his phone and called 911. As the phone rang he then asked "" He said.  "The one you abandoned." I said with a very distorted voice. As soon as they picked up I teleported back into my room in G's place. As my sanity came back to me I've noticed that no ounce of blood was on me.

*time skip*

As soon as G came he then asked me about anything weird. Not knowing the meaning of him talking I then asked "what do you mean,  G?  Did something happen?" " yeah I just heard on the news of a guy who got his eyes bit of and stabbed." He said with worry in his eyes. He looked at me then he hugged me tightly.

Oh no.........

(I drew the pic on top yay)

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