Sidney Crosby Imagine

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Its nights like these where you wish he didn’t have to travel so much. You miss having him laying close to you and you miss the way his arms feel wrapped around you.

Your phone starts to ring as you roll over to grab it off the side table. “Hello?”

"Hey baby, I miss you so much." Sidney says. He sounds exhausted from tonight’s game.

You smile and reply, “I miss you, too. I wish you were home so this bed doesn’t feel so empty.”

"I know, baby. I’ll be home before you know it. I love you more than I can ever tell you."

"I’m kinda in love with you, too." you say with a smile. "How was your game? I saw Kuni score that beautiful goal."

"Yeah," he says lightly chuckling, "that one was a beauty. The game was good. It would have been better if my number one fan was there."

"I’m sure your mom was sad she missed the game." You joked.

Sid laughed and that made you miss him even more.

"When are you getting home?"

"I’ll be home by tomorrow night, alright love?"

"Okay." you say through a yawn.

"Go to sleep, gorgeous. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. I love you. Goodnight."

"Love you more." you say sleepily.

You hang up the phone and put it back on the table. You roll over in your big king size bed and drift off to sleep.

At about three in the morning you are woken up by strange sounds coming from the other room. Scared and worried, you grabbed your phone and dialed Sid. All of a sudden you heard his phone ringing and it sounded like it was coming from your living room. You got up slowly to see what was going on and as you went to open your bedroom door you saw Sid standing on the other side smiling at his phone.

He chuckled and said, “Hey baby.”

“What are you doing home?” you asked in a shocked voice.

“I wanted to surprise you, but my phone kind of ruined the surprise.” He laughs out.

You immediately wrap your arms around his neck and his arms latched on to your waist as he buried his face in your neck. “I missed you so much. I’m so glad you’re home.” You say.

“Let’s go to bed, yeah?” he says as he picks you up and carries you the few feet over to the bed.

You curl up under the blanket with him. He reaches down to kiss you and you both sit there kissing each other lazily for the next few minutes. You lay your head down on his chest and he wraps his arms around you.

Kissing the top of your head he says, “I’m so lucky I get to come home to you.” As you slowly drift back to sleep.

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