Tyler Seguin Imagine

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Your sister’s wedding was coming up and you still were trying to find a date. You were hoping that your best friend, Joey, could help you out, but unfortunately he was going to be out of town. He mentioned that his friend Tyler could be your date. You had met Tyler a few times and he seemed nice, but he was rather cocky. He knew your parents would be hesitant about it because you had only met him the few times, but you figured you were almost 20 years old and you could make your own decisions. You told your best friend to ask Tyler and a few minutes later you received a text from a number you didn’t know:

If u wanted to go on a date u could have just asked ;)

You assumed it was Tyler because he was that kind of person,

Ha ha. You wish :P Thank you for helping me out, I appreciate it.

You and Tyler began texting details about the wedding and what he should wear and you suggested that he meet your parents before the wedding because your dad was really protective and your mom hates when she doesn’t know who you were hanging out with and you had said that if he didn’t feel comfortable with it he didn’t have to and he could just show up at the wedding, but he agreed to meeting your parents and you had made arrangements to have dinner the next day.

You were in the kitchen helping your mom put dinner together,

“Now remember Mom, he is just a friend. He’s helping me out for Sarah’s wedding. Please don’t embarrass me and start asking questions. And dad,” you said turning to your father who was sitting at the table reading a newspaper, “please no protective ‘what are your intentions with my daughter’ crap because there are no intentions. We’re just friends. Got it? Both of you.” Your dad and mom nodded and agreed quietly when you heard the doorbell ring. You walked over to the door and when you opened it you were greeted with a large bouquet of daisies. Behind them was a smiling Tyler.

“Oh, hi Tyler, those flowers are beautiful.” You said, unsure as to why he had brought them.

“Do you think your mom will like them?” He asks letting himself in and answering your question.

Just then your parents walked into view, “Hello, I’m Tyler.” He said shaking your father’s hand, “These are for you.” He said to your mom with a smile. A large smile appeared on your mom’s face, “Thank you, young man.” Your mom said with a blush on her face. You rolled your eyes at how much of a charmer Tyler was. You had forgotten about his flirty nature and you were kindly being reminded of it. You all walked into the dining room and took your seats for dinner. You helped your mom serve dinner and when everyone had a full plate your dad began to speak, “So, Tyler, what are your intentions with my daughter?”

You felt your face go red and you groaned, “Dad you said you wouldn’t.” Tyler looked at you with an amused expression.

“I promise I told them that you were just taking me to the wedding. I didn’t say anything more.” You defended yourself. Tyler looked at your father and said,

“My intentions are anything that Y/N wants them to be. She is a beautiful girl and I would be honored to be a part of her life, even if it is just a date to a wedding. Honestly when Joey told me she needed my help I was so excited.” He said, not looking at you. You were shocked at his response and you wished he would look at you so you could get some kind of answer from him, but he just continued to make eye contact with your father. Your mother was sitting across from you with a big smile on her face, obviously happy with Tyler.

“Good answer, son.” Your father responded. “I like this boy, Y/N.” he said looking at you.

You laughed nervously not really knowing how to respond. You were confused and shocked because you thought that this was just going to be Tyler taking you to a wedding and then that would be it. For the rest of the dinner your parents and Tyler talked and laughed and at the end of the night your father told you to walk him to the door with a smile on his face. You walked Tyler to the door and closed the door behind you so you both were standing on the porch,

“Thanks for coming over and uh, meeting my parents. They seemed to love you. Which is funny because at the beginning of the night they didn’t even want you to go to this wedding with me.” You laughed a bit.

“I’m glad they like me.” Tyler said thoughtfully. “Do you like me?” he asked shyly. You looked up at him and his cheeks were burning red. You couldn’t help but smile at him and you had to be honest, dinner tonight was fun and Tyler seemed like a pretty cool person.

“Yeah, I guess you’re alright.” You joked, giving him a smile.

“Well, will ‘alright’ get me a date to the movies tomorrow night?”

“Hmmm,” you acted like you were thinking about it, “I think it just might.”

A look of relief flooded across his face, “You know, when Joey told me you needed a date I thought this was my chance.”

“Your chance?” You asked, not fully understanding.

“Well, yeah, I mean we’ve met a few times and I think you’re absolutely gorgeous and I wanted to talk to you more, but I was nervous. And then Joey called and I knew this was my chance.”

You smiled up at him and leaned forward and placed a kiss on his cheek, “I’m glad you took a chance.” You whispered quietly, “I’ll see you tomorrow, Tyler.” You said as you turned to open the door, “Goodnight.” You turned and smiled at him.

“Goodnight, Y/N.” You heard him say before you walked in to your house and closed the door.

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