Patrick Kane Imagine

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“Y/N” you heard Patrick whine from the bedroom.

“I’ll be right in, babe!” you yelled back, pouring hot water into a cup to make tea. You carefully walked back into the bedroom to see Patrick laying there softly snoring. He had finally gotten to sleep so you made sure you were extra quiet when you put his tea on the bed side table.

“Y/N” you heard him say quietly.

“Shh, baby, go back to sleep.” You whispered.

“I need you to lay with me. Please.”

You sigh quietly knowing that you had a big paper to write that was due at the end of the week, but you promised him that you would take care of him and do anything he wanted or needed until he was better. He looked too cute laying there sick to say no so you climbed into bed and snuggled up against his back and laced your fingers around his waist. You laid there hugging him with your face pressed against his neck. Eventually you ended up falling asleep to the sound of his quiet snores. You had been up all night getting Patrick medicine and making sure his fever didn’t get any higher than the 102.3 he was at currently.

You don’t know how long you both slept, but you were awoken to Patrick gently moving your arm so he could get out of bed.

“Where are you going?” you asked him.

“I have to pee, I’ll be right back.” He said as he shuffled to the bathroom.

You turned over to grab your phone and you saw that was in fact the next morning. You both had slept for well over 12 hours. Patrick soon got back into bed and leaned over and kissed you.

“Thank you.” He said. He seemed 100% better.

“Mmm. I see you are feeling better.” You said smiling

“I am. I feel good as new. I love you. Thank you for taking care of my sorry ass.”

“No problem, baby, I told you I would.”

“I know. I appreciate it. I know you had a bunch of other things you rather be doing.”

You rolled over so you were laying on his chest looking up at him, “Nah, taking care of you was totally worth it.” You said, trying to make the guilty expression leave Pat’s face.

He smiled at you as you reached up to kiss him. When you pulled away you started to get out of bed, “Now that you are feeling better I really do have to write that paper. I love you.” You said pecking his lips one last time.

“I owe you big.” Patrick said giving you a smile as you walked out of the room. You couldn’t wait to find out what it was.

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