Justin Abdelkader Imagine

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Justin had planned a date for tonight for you guys tonight and you were very excited about it. He told you to dress up a little and to meet him at the rink at 7 sharp.

As you arrived at the arena you saw him standing outside waiting for you.

"You look beautiful." Justin said while admiring your outfit.

You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him soft and sweet. "Thank you, you don't look so bad yourself."

He grabs your hand and starts to walk you into the building and towards the ice. You get to the ice and you see that he had put a carpet down on the ice and you looked out and saw a table sitting on the center of the ice. You looked back at him and smiled, "What are you doing?" you joked with him.

"Just treating you to a nice dinner because you deserve nothing but the best."

You walk out onto the ice and he pulls your chair out for you and you sit down and look at the delicious looking food that was on the table. Dinner was full of laughs and yummy food and you thought that all the surprises were over until Justin said it was time to put a pair of skates on.

You were nervous because you had never been ice skating before and you didn't want to embarrass yourself. Justin must have seen how worried you looked because he reached out for your hand and pulled you close looking into your eyes and saying, "it's just you and me out here and don't worry I wouldn't let a beautiful girl like you get hurt."

Feeling a bit more relaxed, Justin helped you lace up your skates and you both got onto the ice once again. Slipping and sliding all around you grabbed onto Justin tightly and wouldn't let go. Justin chuckled at you and you wanted to slap him playfully for laughing at you, but you were too worried you would fall if you let go of him.

After a few laps around the ice you seemed to be getting the hang of it so Justin decided to put some space between you guys. Almost immediately you freaked out and started to lose your footing and you were anticipating falling hard on your butt, yet the impact of the ice never came. Instead you felt Justin's arms wrap around your waist and he grabbed you before you could fall. Pulling you close to him he said, "See, I told you I wouldn't let you get hurt. What kind of man would I be if I let the woman I love get hurt?"

"You love me?" you said staring into his eyes completely shocked.

He smiled a little and said, "Yes I do. I love you a lot and I couldn't imagine my life without you."

"I love you too." You said as a big smile stretched across your face. You pulled him in closer and kissed him sweetly.
When you pulled away he wrapped his arms around you tighter and quietly sighed, "I can't tell you how glad I am to hear you say that back to me."

You giggled and continued to kiss the one you love.

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