Marcus Kruger Imagine

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“I just wish she could find a nice boy.” You heard your mother say to your uncle. You rolled your eyes because your mom was always trying to set you up because she figured that you were getting older and it was time to settle down. You were only 24 and didn’t see the rush.

“Alright, mom, that’s enough.” You said as you walked into the kitchen to get a drink. You saw she was talking to your uncle Joel.

“Oh, honey. I just want you to be happy.” She said looking at you like your dog just died.

“Hey, Y/N. I have this kid on my team who’s about your age. Great kid, and I don’t know, I think you’d like him. I could give him your number if you want.” Your uncle, who is the coach of the Chicago Blackhawks, said to you with a warm smile.

Oh great, the Chicago Blackhawks have become a dating service for you. “Thanks, Uncle Joel, but I don’t know. Won’t that be awkward?”

“Just give him a chance. He’s a great kid.” Uncle Joel pushed.

Embarrassed and wanting this conversation to be over you caved, “Alright. Give him my number and tell him to call me if he wants.”

Your mom and uncle smiled at each other like you had just told them they won the lottery. You rolled your eyes as you laughed at your family and walked back into the living room to finish watching SpongeBob with your little cousins. You knew this wasn’t going to end well.

The Next Week…

Hi, um this is Marcus. Your uncle told me I could text you?

Your phone read as you laid in bed. You smiled a little and replied,

Hi, I’m Y/N. And yeah, he was telling me about you haha

You hit send and regretted it immediately. You sounded like a creep. Before you could dwell on it too much your phone vibrated again,

Oh man, I hope only good things. Would you want to get coffee sometime and chat?

Smiling at your phone you replied,

All good things J and yeah I’d like that.

Great! How about tomorrow at 7?

Perfect J

You went to bed nervous about your coffee date. You weren’t even sure if this guy was your type. What had you gotten yourself into?

The Next Day…

You got up and went to work at your part time job at Forever 21. The day seemed to drag on and your shift felt like it was never going to be over. Finally, at 4:30 you were done with work and off to get ready for your coffee date with Marcus.

After getting a shower and doing your hair and make-up and picking a comfy, but cute, sweater to wear you heard your phone go off, you looked at it as your stomach did a flip.

Is the Starbucks by the rink ok?

Yeah, sounds great. See you soon. J

It was nearing 6:45 and you figured you would start your way down to Starbucks. You didn’t live very far so it didn’t take you very long to get there. When you walked into the little coffee shop you were assaulted by the smell of fresh coffee and the sounds of pleasant conversation all around. You looked around for Marcus. Your uncle had sent you his roster picture the day before with a bunch of smiley faces to go along with the picture. You loved your uncle but sometimes he was a bit much.

Finally your eyes fell on a cute looking man who looked just like the guy in the Picture. He was looking at his phone when you walked up to the table.

“Hi, um, Marcus?”

Marcus looked up from his phone and immediately smiled. He stood up as he said, “Hi. Wow, your even more beautiful than coach Q went on about.” He said almost out of breath. You blushed deeply at his comment. He walked over and pulled out your chair for you to sit.

“Thank you.” You mumbled out, still blushing from his comment.

“My pleasure. So, why did such a pretty girl agree to go on a date with me?”

“Well, you see, my mother seems to be obsessed with my love life and I don’t know, Uncle Joel made you sound really good.” You said laughing.

“Well, I’m glad he thinks so highly of me.” He said, giving you the cutest smile you’ve ever seen. You two sat and talked for hours. About your family and hockey and even what your leas4t favorite food was. You were having such a good time. You thought this was going to be awkward, but it actually turned out to be one of the best dates you’d ever been on. When the Starbucks was closing, Marcus walked you to your car and kissed you goodnight before planning another date with you. You were on your way home when your phone started to ring. It was your uncle Joel.

“Hello?” You said, amusement evident in your voice.

“Hey, baby girl! Marcus just called me. You sure have that one hooked. He had nothing but great things to say!”

“Yeah. It was actually a really nice date. Thank you, Uncle Joel.”

“My pleasure, sweetie. Alright well, this old man needs to get some sleep. Practice in the morning! Goodnight, I love you.”

“I love you, too, Uncle Joel.” You hung up the phone just as you were pulling into your driveway. You sat in the car for a little as you thought about how cute Marcus was and how you were excited about your next date.

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