Brendan Gallagher Imagine

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You were waiting in the car after the game for Brendan. You knew he was going to be mad and you were trying to prepare yourself. Lost in your thoughts you heard the driver’s door open and Brendan get in and slam it.

“Hey, ba—“

“Can we not talk right now?” Brendan snapped at you.

“Alrighty.” You said quietly and you turned to look out the window. The drive back to the hotel was silent except for the radio which was recapping the entire game. You could see Brendan getting more upset as he listened to the radio host announce the Rangers had won.

When you got back to the hotel Brendan parked the car and hopped out and walked right into the building, not even turning to look at you. You rolled your eyes, but followed him anyways. You got back to your room and you dared to say, “Are you hungry?”

“Am I hungry? Are you stupid? Of course I’m not hungry. I just got eliminated from the fucking playoffs. Why the hell would I be fucking hungry.” He said walking over to the other side of the room, “stupid bitch.” He said quiet enough for you to miss if you weren’t listening to him.

“Are you kidding me, Brendan? I get that you’re fucking mad about the game, but how the fuck dare you take it out on me! I’ve done nothing but be here for you so you know what piss off!” You said walking out of the room and slamming the door. You were seething mad, but you didn’t have anywhere to go. You were in New York for the game so you went down to the busy lobby and sat down on one of the uncomfortable looking lounge chairs that litter the lobby of all hotels and rarely have anyone in them. People bustled by and you saw a few of the other teammates. Alex walked into the hotel and saw you sitting there on your phone,

“Hey, Y/N, what are you doing down here?” He said sitting down next to you.

“Brendan is being an ass and I had to get away from him.” You said to him.

“Ah, I figured he’d be pissed and that’s why he didn’t come eat with us. I’m sorry he dragged you along though.” You gave Alex a little smile,

“I’m sure he’ll be freaking out in a few minutes trying to find you and apologize once he’s calmed down. Kudos to you for sticking with him. The guy makes me want to punch him every time we lose. Want me to keep you company until he comes around?”

“Thanks, but I’m ok.” You smiled at him. Alex was a decent friend and he was one of the only other teammates that hung around Brendan for more than just game time so you got to know him well.

“Alright, I’m going to go to bed then, night Y/N.” He said as he gave you a friendly pat on your shoulder as he got up to leave.

“Night, Alex.” You picked up your phone again and began playing with it again. You had relaxed into the chair after a while and you were about to drift off when you heard Brendan say your name quietly. You sat up in the chair and looked up at Brendan who was standing right in front of you.

“I’m sorry.” He said looking at you, “I shouldn’t have acted that way. Or called you names. I was mad about the game and I’m disappointed that we’re out of the playoffs. I don’t know why you chose to stay with me. I’m such a jerk all the time. Chuckie says that to me all the time. He can’t believe you’re with me either. I don’t deserve you and I’m so so sorry for how I acted a bit ago.”

“Sometimes I don’t know why I stay either, Brendan.” His eyes got wide and a worried look appeared on his face. “But something about you keeps me around and I don’t think I’m ever going to be able to leave.” You finished your thought and then Brendan’s face went from worry to relief. He reached down and grabbed your hands and pulled you up from the seat. His arms wrapped around your body as he pulled you in close.

“Thank you for staying.” He said into your hair as you wrapped your arms around his neck and lightly played with his hair. You two stayed like that until you heard a loud rumbling coming from Brendan’s torso.

“Oh, so now you’re hungry??” You said jokingly.

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