Sidney Crosby Imagine

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“Sid, I need to go to the hospital.” You said as you walked out of your bedroom.

“Are you alright?” He shot up from the couch and ran over to you.

“I think it’s the baby. I—I don’t know. I just know something doesn’t feel right.” You said trying to remain calm.

“Ok. Let’s got.” He said grabbing your hand and walking to the door. He picked up the car keys off the table with his other hand on your way out. The car ride to the hospital was quick and quiet. Sid ended up talking to one of the nurses and since you started having sharp pains in your stomach they saw to it that you were the next patient to be seen. You and Sid waited in the hospital room for a little while until the doctor and nurses came in to take some tests. They told you that it would be a little while to get the results and to sit tight. Sid never let go of your hand. You both were wrecked with worry and you felt like you were going to throw up. You were four months pregnant and Sid was so excited for the baby and if anything happened to the baby you don’t know what you would do.

“Mr. and Mrs. Crosby?” You heard the doctor say, breaking you from your thoughts. He had a sad look on your face and you just knew what he was about to say.

“I’m sorry, but, uh, you’ve lost the baby.” As he said the words you could physically hear your heart breaking. You put a hand on your stomach that was now childless and began to sob. “I’ll leave you two alone for a bit.” The doctor said sadly as he turned to leave the room. Sid hadn’t moved or said anything since the doctor walked in.

You sat there holding his hand and trying to stop the tears that were pouring out of your eyes, “Please don’t hate me.” You whispered out. You blamed yourself because who else was to blame? It was your baby and your stomach and your job to take care of the baby and you had failed. Sid’s head snapped up to look at you.

“Hate you?” He said, his voice hoarse, “How could I hate you?”

“It was my job...” you trailed off into another fit of sobs. Sid stood up from the chair he was sitting on and scooped you up into his arms and he sat on the bed with you and gently lowered you down onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around you tight as you grabbed onto his shirt, staining it with your tears.

“This isn’t your fault. Do you understand me?” His voice cracked towards the end. “I love you so much. I don’t know why, but this wasn’t meant to be. Everything happens for a reason, got it? You did not do this. Do not blame yourself. I love you and we are going to get through this.” He was crying by the tie he had finished. You two sat there and held onto each other for a long time before you were able to stop crying and look at his face. Both of you had runny noses and puffy eyes and you looked at him sadly, “I was so excited.” You said quietly.

“I know, baby, me too. We’ll get through this. And we’re going to have another chance. I know it. When the time is right and when it’s supposed to happen we are going to have another chance at this and we are going to be the best parents ever.” Sid said looking you right in the eyes. He grabbed the sides of your face and brushed away a few tears that had snuck out.

He leaned in and kissed you gently before pulling away and saying, “Are you ready to go home?”

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