Olli Maatta Imagine

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You weren’t fat, but you didn’t consider yourself skinny. You had this little patch of chub on your stomach that you were always self-conscious about. You were laying on your bed next to your boyfriend Olli watching TV when Olli decided to lean over and hug you around your waist and laying his head on your stomach.

“Your stomach is so squishy and comfortable. I love it.” Olli said out of the blue. In reality, this wouldn’t be an issue, but you were already so self-conscious about your stomach that you got really offended. In your mind you thought bellies were supposed to be firm and have abs, not squishy. Of course Olli had no idea what he had said because you guys hadn’t ever talked about it. You immediately got up and mumbled something about going to make dinner as you walked out of the room.

Later on when dinner was done you and Olli sat down at the table. You had made pasta with chicken. You dished out a plate of pasta for Olli and you made yourself a small side salad. Olli had woofed down almost half of his plate before he realized you were only picking at a small salad.

“Are you feeling alright?” He asked, sounding worried.

“Yeah. I’m fine.”

“Why aren’t you eating?”

“Just not hungry.”

“What? You’re always hungry. You have an appetite like one of the boys.”

“Maybe that’s the problem! Maybe if I didn’t eat so much my stomach wouldn’t be squishy! It would be firm and fit and sexy!” You yelled out as tears stained your eyes. You didn’t dare look at his face so your eyes bore holes into the table.

“Y/N…” Olli said quietly. You looked away from the table and brushed a few fallen tears from your cheeks.

“Y/N. Look at me. Please.”

You looked over at your boyfriend, embarrassed by your outburst.

“Please tell me what is going on because I’m a little lost.”

“Earlier when you said that my stomach was squishy.” You said like he was then supposed to understand.

“And I said I loved it, because I do. I didn’t mean anything negative by it.” He said slowly.

“I know you didn’t, but I’m really insecure about my stomach because I do think there’s a problem with it.”

“Y/N.” Olli said standing up and walking around the table to be near you. He knelt down on the ground and grabbed your hand, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know, but you have nothing to worry about. I love your tummy. It’s adorable and I find it sexy as hell. I find you sexy as hell. I don’t want you to think you have to be a certain way to be loved because I love you and I love your body and your tummy and the way your smile curls up on one side when you laugh and how your eyes shine brighter than the sun when you get excited about something. You’re perfect to me and I don’t want you to change at all.”

By this time your eyes were wet with tears, “You love me?” You squeaked out.

Olli’s mouth turned into a smile as he said, “Yeah, I do. A lot.”

“I love you, too.” You said, not being able to stop the smile that was creeping on to your face.

“Now, please eat something.” Olli said as he stood up.

“My pleasure! I’m starving!” you said as you turned towards the table and scooped a large scoop of pasta onto your plate.

“That’s my girl.” Olli said as he grabbed the side of your head and kissed your hair.

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