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Kuroko had told Kise of his school holiday trip to his home town and somehow it had circulated their group of friends. They had all insisted they would come much to Kuroko's displeasure. Akashi apologised he couldn't come and that's how Kuroko was now stuck with Kagami, Aomine and Momoi whiles the others stayed at the hotel. Momoi was clinging to Kuroko, while Kagami and Aomine were throwing insults at one another on their way to buy lunch.

"Will you both stop?" Momoi turned to face the bickering basketball players. "It's getting a little old."

"It's not my fault he sucks." Aomine sniggered.

"Hey, say that to my face!" Kagami growled, reading to punch him. Kuroko however had decided to poke him in the side a little harshly.

"Kuroko, what the heck?" He winced as his held his side.

"You're both annoying." Kuroko announced before he turned and started walking off. The three of them looked at each other before following him. Kuroko noticed two boys ahead leaning on the wall. He felt like he knew them from somewhere, not being able to pin point where from he shook his head and continued ahead. Then he stopped when he heard one of the boys shout.

"Haru-chan!, Rei-chan!" The shorter boy shouted, he followed the blonde haired boy with his eyes to see a boy with black hair, deep blue eyes and an annoyed expression on his face. He saw him mutter something and the blonde boy pouted and released the boy from his grip, turning his attention to a tall boy with glasses. The taller boy from the wall approached them and gave them a friendly hello.

"Hey, why'd you stop Testu?" Aomine asked, almost running into the back of him. Kagami, however, wasn't paying attention and slammed into Aomine.

"Watch where you're going, idiot!" The tanned boy yelled.

"Maybe you shouldn't just stop in the middle of the walk way!" The red haired teen replied even louder. Kuroko sighed heavily and Momoi giggled.

"Tetsuya-chan?" The light haired boy turned to see the group of boys looking at them. The blonde hair boy face had lit up in recognition of him and was running over. Kuroko eyes widen when the said boy slung his arms around his neck and held him.

"Nagisa, let him go." The boy with hazel hair and green eyes sighed.

"Tetsuya-chan, do you remember me?" Nagisa smiled at him as he let go. Kuroko's eyes widen in realisation hit him. He could never forget that smile.

"Nagisa?" Kuroko asked in disbelief.

"The very same. I haven't seen you since primary school!" Nagisa exclaimed.

"Who's this runt?" Aomine asked pointing at Nagisa.

"This is Nagisa, we went to primary school together." Kuroko introduced him to his friends.

"And I'm not a runt." Nagisa pouted at the tall brown teen. The rest of his friends had approached.

"Do you remember Makoto and Haru-chan?" He pointed to them. Kuroko looked up to see familiar kind green eyes and dead blue eyes. One with a happy grin and another with a bored expression. Makoto smiled and greeted him warmly while Haru just grunted and crossed his arms. Rei smiled and pushed his glasses up upon his nose and greeted Kuroko.

"I'm Rei Ryugazaki, pleasure."

"Tetsuya Kuroko." He heard a girly cough behind him and noticed Momoi wanted to meet his childhood friends.

"This is Momoi, Kagami and Aomine." Kuroko introduced, Momoi waved, Kagami grunted in greeting and Aomine was looking at Haru.

"Staring is rude, you know." Haru pointed out, causing Aomine to gap and look away. Kagami chuckled and decided he liked Haru.

Kuroko No Basuke/ Free! Eternal Summer Crossover // Stubborn and Bored TogetherWhere stories live. Discover now