Three Weeks!

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Aomine woke that morning arms wrapped tightly around his sleeping boyfriend and smiled into the sleeping raven's head. He breathed in Haru's scent, mackerel, chlorine mixed in with his own cologne and the tanned teen sighed in satisfaction.

"We're going to be alright, right?" Aomine whispered, tenderly kissing the sleeping boy on his head. "Yeah I think we will."

Haruka let out a sleepy moan, nuzzling against Aomine's chest. Aomine smiled down at him and outlined Haru's jaw with his finger. Aomine suddenly heard a quiet buzzing noise and his eyes drifted over to Haru's laptop. The words Makoto calling were written on the screen and Aomine gently shifted himself away from Haru and planted himself in front of the laptop. He pressed the accept button and watched as a small blonde haired teen and a red head were fighting over the camera space.

"Just move, god Nagisa." The red head pushed him, Nagisa stood his ground and flicked Rin on the nose. "Nagisa!"

"I want to see Haru-chan! I haven't seen him for three weeks!"

"Er, hello?" Aomine announced he was there and watched as two pairs of eyes slowly turned to find a dark, muscled teen with dark blue hair smirking at them. Makoto appeared from nowhere and pushed the two swimmers away.

"Aomine?" Makoto eyed his naked chest. He shook his head and snapped from his daze. "Haru was devastated you left. How could you do that to him?!"

"I had a valid reason." Aomine crossed his arms, smirking as Makoto watched as his arms flexed. "Look, I know I overreacted, we talked about it and it's all good now."

"Oh." Makoto seemed speechless. Rin peeked over Makoto's shoulder, grinning.

"Hey man, how's it going?"

"Pretty good. Rin right?" Aomine asked, recalling Haru talking of his sharp teeth.

"The very one. You know Makoto." Pointing to the male beside him. "Haru's best friend."

Aomine nodded, "And the bouncy ball of crazy behind you is Nagisa, yeah?"

Nagisa squished his head between the taller boys shoulder and smiled widely at him. "That's me. So where's Haru-chan?"

"He's sleeping."

"Oh." Nagisa pouted in disappointment.

"I could wake him up." Aomine offered, smiling gently as Nagisa's eyes widened and sparkled. Aomine went back over to the snoozing Haruka and gently shook his shoulder. "Hey Haru, wake up."

Haru opened his eyes to find dark blue ones staring into his own. Haruka let out a small yawn and smiled up to him. Aomine's speech left him watching his boyfriend yawn and wake up so cutely. His smile caused Aomine's thoughts fly from his brain and he just stared into the slightly glazy eyes.

"Morning." Haru whispered to him, wrapping his arms around the hovering dark teens neck.

"Morning." Aomine leaned down to kiss the boy on the lips. Remembering why he had woken Haru up he broke away. He moaned in surprise as Haruka pulled him down and began kissing him again.

"Haru." Aomine murmured in the kiss. "Haru!"

Haruka pulled back, looking at Aomine in confusion. "What?"

"Nagisa wants to see you." Aomine sat back, pointing behind him. Haruka sat up as Aomine moved away and sighed slightly. He plopped himself in front of the laptop with Aomine behind him smirking as Rin and Nagisa fought for the camera once again.

"HARU-CHAN!" Naigsa screamed, shoving a surprised Rin to the floor. Aomine winced for Rin and watched as Nagisa took up all the camera space and blabbered to Haru.

"I'll go make breakfast." Aomine whispered into Haruka's ear, earning a drowsy nod and a please help me god look.

Aomine was standing in the shower letting the hot water wash over his body. He and Haru had eaten breakfast in front of the laptop since Nagisa refused to let Haru out of his sight. Aomine had left Haru in a middle of a heated debate between Nagisa and Rin. He could hear the shouts of Rin and Nagisa over the rushing water from the other room. He smiled to himself, knowing Haruka was probably thinking about killing them. He let out a snort and applied shampoo to his hair. Aomine jumped in fright when he finished rinsing his hair as he felt a hand run smoothly down his back. He peeked over his shoulder to find a naked and aroused Haru behind him.

"Did they finally say goodbye?" Aomine asked as he picked Haruka up.

"No, I hung up." Haru wrapped his legs around Aomine's back and ran a hand through his hair. Aomine let out a sigh and nuzzled Haru's neck, biting it gently.

"What do you want to do today?" Aomine asked, grasping the pale teens butt, kneading it.

"Mmmmm." Haru hummed. "I think you know."

Haruka locked his lips with Aomine's, Aomine walked forward until Haru's back touched the shower wall. They were both soaked and panting into each others mouths as they got more intense. Haruka gasped as Aomine began to loosen him up. Aomine let out a sexual growl as Haru moaned, clawing at Aomine's back in pleasure.

"You ready?" Aomine whispered in his ear. Haru gave him a quick nod and gasped as Aomine groaned in satisfaction as he took all of him in. "So tight."

"So good." Haru managed to pant out. He moved up then down, urging Aomine to move. The tanned teen smirked at Haruka's neediness and started moving slowly. He began to quicken his pace when Haruka began to pant and groan in pleasure and need. He could feel himself get close and made the mistake to lock eyes with the sexy mess that was Haruka Nanase. He let himself release, groaning in satisfaction and annoyance at orgasming so quickly.

"Fuck, Haru." Aomine whispered, head leaning against Haru's shoulder. Haru's head was leaning against the wall, stars floating in his eyes. Aomine regained his composure, lifting his head and leaned his forehead against Haru's.

"We should probably clean up." Haru suggested, pecking Aomine on the nose, wriggling his body until Aomine let him down. They washed each other, while more saliva was swapped and they ended up sprawled on Haru's sofa, Haruka laying between Aomine's legs, watching a wild life documentary.

"I'm only here for another four day." Haru suddenly voiced.

"Huh?" Aomine asked tiredly, rubbing his nose as he snoozed on the couch.

"I'm moving back to Iwatobi in four days."

"You are?" Aomine was suddenly awake, sitting up, forcing Haruka to move as well.

"I finish my work experience then. I'm going back home." Haru explained, a slight sparkle in his eye as he spoke of home.

"What about us?" Aomine frowned, worried that their relationship will fall apart like Haru's did with Sousuke because one of them had to move away.

"You've got holidays coming up soon, we can take a little vacation together if you want." Haru suggested, shrugging.

"Really?" Aomine's eyes widen. "We aren't going to break up?"

"What? What gave you that idea?" Haru turned to him.

"Well you know," Aomine didn't want to mention Sousuke. "Previous engagement."

"I'm not moving to America Daiki." Haruka smirked, nudging the tanned teen. "I'm literally a couple of hours away."

"I knew that." Aomine furrowed his brow, nudging Haru back. "So a little mini vaycay?"

"Just the two of us." Haru nodded, nuzzling himself back into Aomine's arms. Aomine grinned, rubbing his nose into Haruka's neck.

"I'd like that."

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