The Beginning

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Aomine walked into school the next day with no intent of going to class. He made his way up to his favourite spot, the roof and fell asleep. Aomine woke up to a shout and he grumbled swatting at the air. He opened one eye to see Momoi's angry face looking down at him.

"What are you doing?" Momoi frowned. "You should be in class."

"I could say the same to you."

Momoi sighed as she crossed her arms. "You're hopeless."

Aomine shrugged and closed his eyes again.

"Just make sure you come to practice." She went over to the ladder. "Maybe try and learn something today."

He swatted at the air again, shooing her away, he heard a huff and smirked. Aomine waited a few minutes before he decided he'd make an effort to go to class.

"Sorry I'm late. " He bowed. "I had a doctor's appointment."

"Just sit down Aomine." The teacher sighed. Aomine sat by the window and stared outside, watching the sport class play volleyball. He's eyes drew him to a dark head of hair, but it was gone the next second. He's eyes narrowed as he scanned the surroundings again. He shrugged it off as his imagination and continued to ignore the teacher as he daydreamed. The bell rang and he made his way back up to the roof where Momoi was waiting.

"I expected to find you up here when I got back." Momoi commented.

"I went to class." Aomine sat down beside her. "As expected, I didn't learn a thing."

Momoi sighed and passed over half her roll. "You should pack your own lunch sometimes."

"Too much effort." He sighed with a mouth full of food. "Who did you have dinner with last night?"

Momoi smiled mischievously and raised a knowing brow at him. "You'll see."

After the last bell of the day Aomine made his way to the gym, slamming the gym doors open and made his announcement.

"Alright Momoi, I'm here, what's the big-" Aomine eyes fell onto a dark haired boy who was looking at him. Aomine's mouth went slack and the boy smirked, he looked away, continuing to tape Ryō Sakurai knee. Aomine stormed over to him and grabbed Haru by the shoulder and pulled him up.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Aomine shouted at him. Haru wrenched his shoulder away and frowned at him.

"I'm working." Haru growled and stalked off. Momoi and the captain approached him.

"What the hell was that?" The captain seethed. "Go apologise now."

Aomine frowned,

"Dai-chan, I thought you'd be pleased to see him."

"Was this your surprise?" He growled.

"Yeah. Dai-chan, I know you liked him."

"I didn't like him." Aomine seethed. "I'm not gay."

Momoi rolled her eyes and sighed. "Alright, whatever. Just go apologise."

She watched as the tanned teenager stomped across the gym, hunched and grumpy. Aomine trunched over to the boy he had offended.


"Can I help you?" Haru didn't even turn around to acknowledge him. Aomine glanced behind his shoulder, to see narrowed eyes staring a hole in his head.

"Can we talk outside?"

Haruka acknowledged him this time by nodding and following the tanned boy from the gym. Haru sat on the step and felt Aomine slump down beside him, waiting patiently for the forced apology.

Kuroko No Basuke/ Free! Eternal Summer Crossover // Stubborn and Bored TogetherWhere stories live. Discover now