B's And Kisses

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Aomine was planning to avoid sports class, that was, until he overheard two of his female classmates giggling about a handsome, blue eyed man helping out with their classes. Aomine instantly changed his course and walked rather quickly to his class. He found his class just outside the basketball courts, talking among themselves waiting for their teacher to show up. Aomine sidled up to the edge where Ryo was standing.

"Hey man."

"Hey Daiki." Ryo seemed surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"What do you mean?" Aomine mocked hurt. "I'm here to learn."

"Right." Ryo seemed unconvinced. "This isn't about a certain swimmer?"

"What Haru? I didn't even know he was coming." Aomine lied. Ryo looked skeptically at him.

"Alright guys, gather round." The teacher called out, Haru following closely behind. "Ah, Aomine so glad you could join us."

Haru's head popped up blues eyes connecting, before Haruka averted his eyes and looked anywhere but at Aomine.

"Today is the day. Assessments start now." The teacher announced. "Since Haru has been training with you and we have an odd number of kids, he'll be joining in."

Haruka blinked up at the teacher in betrayal, frowning as he smirked. He pushed Haru into the group of students and began to explain how the examination was going to work. Aomine was staring at Haruka the whole time, taking in none of the information. The students got to split themselves into groups of five. Haru stood with a small blonde student, who in the stereotypical sense, was the nerd and the bullied boy of the class. Aomine heard Haruka asked if he could join the boys group who smiled and nodded eagerly. To the luck of the most unpopular kid and the despair of the others, Aomine dragged Ryo to his group.

"Let's start off with teams one and four."

"But Sir!" A big burly boy spoke out. "It's not fair that Ryo and Daiki are on the same team."

"I guess, but they're playing with one of the worst players I've ever seen." Smirking at Haru, who had his hands on his hips, his face littered with disbelief. The teacher burst out in laughter and passed the ball to Haru. "I said teams one and four."

Aomine and his team demolished their competition throughout the assessment. Haru casually passing it to either Aomine or Ryo when he managed to get the ball. He would roll his eyes when Aomine would go over the top and grin at Haru before ruffling Ryo's hair. Ryo was just happy that Aomine was having fun for the first time in ages. Just before class finished the teacher congratulated everyone and wished them luck on their results. Aomine was gulping down some water when Haru dropped down beside him.

"You played well."

"Thanks." Aomine wiped his forehead. "We should play one on one sometime."

"You're on." Haruka smiled. "Oh, good luck."


"On your Home Economics exam next."

"WHAT!?" Aomine spluttered. "That's today?"

"Clearly you don't need luck." Haru laughed behind his hand before he walked away.

Haruka was standing with Ryo as he shot baskets, listening to Momoi complain about one of her teachers. Aomine burst in flapping a piece of paper in the air, a huge smile on his face.

"I passed!" He yelled, chucking the paper at Momoi and picking Haruka up. He spun him round, laughing. "I passed!"

"What did you get?" Ryo asked.

Kuroko No Basuke/ Free! Eternal Summer Crossover // Stubborn and Bored TogetherWhere stories live. Discover now