Student - Teacher Relationship

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The Tōō Academy basketball club were on their way to the first knock out match for the season. They were travelling by bus, Haru was accompanying them, excited to see his first proper basketball match. He was humming to his music he had plugged in his ears. He could see in the bus reflection that blue eyes were staring at him. Haru smiled gently to himself and focused on the scenery before him.

Aomine was leaning on the arm rest, head in hand, gazing dreamily at the raven haired man a couple of seats away. He went to sit with him when they entered the bus but Wakamatsu had wrapped his arm around his neck and dragged him further along, stating that they shouldn't sit with teachers. Aomine sighed in annoyance and ended up slumping down next to Momoi.

"You're so obvious." Momoi giggled, nudging Aomine. Aomine grunted and finally peeled his eyes away from the beauty of Haru and paid attention to his friend.

"Who are we versing anyway?"

"Some country school, they're not very good." Momoi explained. "And we aren't playing."

"Oh yeah." Aomine slouched, closing his eyes. "So what I'm I doing here?"

"I don't know." She shrugged. "You were in Haru world when coach said you didn't have to come but you followed us anyway."

"My bad." Aomine wriggled his nose.

"I like to think you came to support your team."

"Course I did." Aomine smirked. "I'm having a nap."

The team arrived, Momoi jolted Aomine awake and the team departed the bus, Haruka stuffing his ear plugs in his bag.

"Alright boys, our game is at eleven, so we'll be watching Kaijō High's match." The coach announced, leading his team plus Haru to their seats. Haruka was glued to the match, his eyes following Kise's every move, causing Aomine to feel the green monster starting to take over. The final siren went and Kaijō High had won by twenty points.

"Come get a drink with me?" Haruka asked Aomine beside him. The tanned teen nodded, following Haru from the stand. Aomine paid for the drinks despite Haru's protest and they headed to their teams locker room.

"Aomine!" "Aomine-chii!"

Both Aomine and Haru froze in both fear and annoyance as they recognised the enthusiastic voices. Aomine turned around in defeat and waved limply at the approaching boys.

"Why don't you ever answer my texts?" The mystery boy complained.

"I've been busy." Aomine answered, moving closer to Haru who was still facing the other way, not daring to move. The unwanted intruder followed Aomine's moves and his purple coloured eyes landed upon a familiar raven haired boy, his back to him, his shoulders hunched. The boy gasped in recognition and called out.


"Hey Kisumi." The said boy slowly turned, frowning at the pink haired boy. Aomine and Kise glanced between the two.

"You guys know each other?" Aomine gaped.

"We went to middle school together." Kisumi explained. "Unfortunately he never told me what high school he was going to so we ended up in different places."

Haruka rolled his eyes. "I can't believe Kisumi is the one thats been texting you."

"I can't believe you never told me you knew him!" Aomine chucked his arms in the air.

"You never told me his name." Haru pointed out. Aomine opened and closed his mouth several times causing Kise to giggle.

"Haru what are you doing here?" Haruka slapped Kisumi's arms away as he tried to hug him. "Same old Haru. I've missed you."

Kuroko No Basuke/ Free! Eternal Summer Crossover // Stubborn and Bored TogetherWhere stories live. Discover now