Based On A Lie

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Aomine was storming down the road his sights set on the apartment building where Haruka lived, his anger building with every step. He had abruptly left the gang after Kisumi's announcement of Haru and Sousuke's engagement. Aomine slammed his fingers, typing Haru's apartment number into the keypad. It rang several times before Haru's voice filled the silent.


"Let me up." He snapped, his fists clenched. The buzzer sounded and Aomine swung the door open and stomped inside. He pounded on the door, pushing himself inside when Haru opened it for him. He turned to find the raven haired man holding his arm and looking at him guiltily.

"Daiki, I'm so sorry, I-"

"You lied to me!" Aomine gritted out, his anger seeping out.

"I didn't want to."

"But you did!" Aomine threw his arms up in the air his anger finally being released. "You said it was a casual affair!"

"I know I did, Daiki-"

"Being in a casual relationship and being engaged are two completely different things!"

"I know, I didn't tell you cause I knew you'd react this way!" Haruka snapped.

"I'm reacting this way because you lied to my fucking face!" Aomine growled. "If you had told me back then I would have been shocked sure, I wouldn't have blown up in your face like I am now."

"Yes me and Sousuke were engaged. But it's over now."

"Why did you break it off anyway?" Aomine questioned, arms crossed. Haruka glanced away, refusing to answer the question. "Haru!"

"He moved away." Haru whispered.

"What?" Aomine seemed shocked.

"He had to move to America because his mother was sick and I stayed here, we broke up under a mutual agreement."

"He didn't cheat or anything bad?"

"No." Haru shrugged.

"I can't believe this." Aomine pulled at his hair. "Do you still have feelings for him?"

"No of course not!" Haru exclaimed, his eyes narrowing. "How could you think that?!"

"Feelings like that don't just fade overnight!" Aomine cried out. "You broke up over a mutual agreement, who even does that?"

"Why are you reacting this way?" Haruka frowned, reaching out to him. Aomine flinched away and slammed his fist into the wall.

"Our relationship is based on a lie."

"What?" Haru's eyes clouded over. "What are you saying?"

"I can't be in a relationship like that." Aomine shook his head, "I thought you really liked me."

"I do!" The raven haired boy grabbed his arms. "Daiki I swear I don't have feelings for Sousuke anymore."

"If you had to hid this then maybe you do." Aomine walked over to the door, "I hope you figure out what's more important to you. Me or your secrets."

Haru watched Aomine slam the door and was left in the middle of the room, a single tear running down his face. He sniffed and turned around walking stiffly to his room. He collapsed onto his bed as heavy sobs escaped his body. He eventually fell asleep from exhaustion, his pillow soaked in his heart broken tears.

Haru bolted up at the sound of his laptop dinging, he patted his puffy eyes and stroked his hand through his hair before he planted himself down in front of his laptop and accepted the call.

Kuroko No Basuke/ Free! Eternal Summer Crossover // Stubborn and Bored TogetherWhere stories live. Discover now