The Secret Is Out

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Aomine woke that morning completely naked. He grabbed the thin blanket and covered his bottom half, scanning the room to find himself in a plain space. He yawned loudly, draping his arm over his partner. His arm hit the bed and he looked over to find it empty. His eyes went to the door as it opened revealing Haruka in just his own school shirt. Just like in my dreams Aomine smiled hungrily at him. Haru laid down beside him, Aomine leaning over to kiss him.

"Morning." Aomine whispered, stroking Haru's jaw.

"Morning." Haru leaned into the hand and closed his eyes as Aomine joined their lips once more. After a couple of minutes of making out Aomine flung himself away from Haru, scrambling to obtain his school clothes and shoving his underpants on.

"What are you doing?" Aomine froze turning to a confused Haru.

"I'll be late for school." He exclaimed.

"It's Saturday." Haru smirked, watching Aomine make an 'o' shape with his mouth. Haru yelped when Aomine jumped on him and they continued and replicated what happened last night.

"So what do you want to do today?" Aomine asked, cuddling his boyfriend. Haruka ran his fingers over Aomine's stubble, down his neck and rested his hand on Aomine's chest.

"Mmm I have a few ideas." Haruka whispered seductively, biting gently at Aomine's neck, while trailing his hand further down his chest. A hand stopped his before he reached his intended target. Haru peeked at Aomine and shivered at the hunger and desire floating in his eyes. Aomine pinned Haru underneath him and began trailing kisses down his chest and stopped just before his hips, smirking as Haruka frowned at him and pushed his head down.

"Haru." Aomine chuckled, "Eager are we?"

"Yes," Haru breathed as Aomine let out a hot breath on him. "Just hurry up."

"Come on Kisumi-chii!" Kise whined, dragging his friend down the street.

"How did you find out where he lived anyway?" Kisumi asked, trying to keep up with the excited blonde.

"Momo-chii told me." Kise shrugged like it was obvious. He typed in several numbers when they arrived at their victims apartment, hearing the buzzing sound and opening the door. "And the code Haru gave her."

Kisumi shook his head and rolled his eyes as Kise just smiled cheekily at him and motioned him to follow. They headed up the stairs, finding the correct door and knocked. The door opened to reveal Aomine in nothing but a towel.

"Aomine-chii, what are you doing here?"

"Kise?" Aomine's jaw dropped. "What are you doing here? How did you even get up here?"

"Who's at the door?" Haru asked, coming up behind the tanned teen, eyes widening slightly. "Kisumi, what are you doing here?"

"Hey Haru, we were wondering if you wanted to play basketball for a bit?" Kisumi explained, eyeing the practically naked Aomine. "But it seems you're busy so, we'll just go."

"No that's okay, we'll come." Haruka stated.

"We will?" Aomine eyed the raven haired teen. Haruka nodded and pushed the boy back into the apartment. "Go get dressed."

Aomine frowned, glaring at Kise and Kisumi before he disappeared into the bedroom. Haru let the two boys inside and offered them drinks. They sat down, Kise sipping on his soft drink.

"Is anyone else joining us?" Haruka asked.

"Atsushi and Shintarou." Kisumi answered.

"I wanted Kuroko-chii to come, but he was busy." Kise wept.

Kuroko No Basuke/ Free! Eternal Summer Crossover // Stubborn and Bored TogetherWhere stories live. Discover now