Haru's First Day

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After graduation, Makoto and Haru had ended up at the same University. Haru was studying Sports and Exercise Science and had been accepted into Tōō Academy for his work placement. After treating Sousuke's injured shoulder for months, he discovered he enjoyed and was good at treating muscle injuries. He was still training for the Olympics with Rin but wanted to explore his interest. Haru was at the train station with his suitcase and a extremely worried Makoto.

"I'll be fine. I've lived most my life alone."

"I know." Makoto sniffed. "I just, I'm going to miss you."

"I'll video chat every night." He assured Makoto. "Say bye to the Rei and Nagisa for me." The last call for Tōō was heard and Haru smiled sadly as Makoto wept and they waved to each other until the other was out of sight. He arrived at Tōō and headed for his apartment to settle in. He didn't need to be arrive at the school till the afternoon, so he took extra long in the bath that night.

"So we've assigned you to the basketball club. I know your speciality is swimming, but lately the basketball have had some injuries."

"I look forward to working with them." Haru nodded.

"Excellent, well they should be in practice right now, so lets go meet them."

As they walked into the gym, the principal was informing Haru he was also to join sport class and didn't notice many pairs of eyes on them.

" Katsunori." The principal called over. The coach looked and headed over.

"Sir." He bowed a little. "How may I help?"

"This is Nanase Haruka, the uni student I've told you about."

"Ah yes, it's nice to meet you Haruka." He bowed.

"Haru is preferred." The boy bowed back.

"Haru it is." The coach smiled at him. "Come, lets introduce you to the team."

The principal said his farewell and Haru joined the coach.

"Momoi." The man called. The pink haired girl looked over and made her way over, smiling brightly at Haru.

"This is Haru, he'll be joining us with training and games from now on."

"Gather round guys." The coach ordered. Haru watched as many tall, muscular boys make their way towards them, eyes on Haru himself.

"Boys, this is Haru." The coach introduced. "He'll be tending to any injuries that will occur during his stay. You'll all treat him with respect and ensure his stay is pleasurable. Is that clear?"

"Yes sir." The boys nodded and bowed at Haru.

"Alright, back to practice. We still need to decide who'll replace the third years."

The boys dispersed and Haru watched them dribble and shoot baskets. He was impressed to say the least. Their muscles were straining and were glistening with sweat. Haruka shook his head, he sounds like Kou.

"I'll leave Momoi to indulge you in the details, but it's great to have you aboard."

"Haru, do you remember me?" Momoi asked.

"You're Tetsuya's friend."

"So what brings you to Tōō?"

"Work placement."

"Where are you staying?"

"At an apartment."

Momoi giggled. "You're so straight forward and blunt. "

Haru crossed his arms and frowned slightly. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm the manger." She said proudly, winking. "The muscles are just a bonus."

Haru silently agreed. Momoi pointed out the regular players for their team. Ryō Sakurai, shoot guard, whatever that is Haru thinks. He blames himself a lot and he's skinner, shorter and leaner than the other players. Kōsuke Wakamatsu now captain of the team, is the centre and has some anger issues. Momoi showed him around the gym and they ended up sitting on a bench watching them practice.

"Oi, Momoi, where Dakai?" The captain called. "He better not be skipping again."

"He went home sick earlier."

"Sick my arse." He growled. "When will that boy learn?"

Practice ended and everyone had gone home. Haru waited behind with Momoi and she locked the gym. They headed out of the school and Haru invited her to dinner. Momoi accepted with delight and they agreed to eat in. Momoi watched Haruka leave and she instantly dialled a number on her phone. She squealed as soon as the person on the other end picked up.

"God, Momoi, stop squealing. What do you want?" The voice growled.

"You'll never guess who I've seen."

"Why don't you enlighten me."

"If you come to practice tomorrow, you'll find out." She said cryptically. "I can't come over tonight."

"Why not?"

"I'm going to dinner."

"What, with who?"

"None of your business, Daiki." She answered a little too happily.

"Urghh, you're so annoying." He replied. "Just don't let him take advantage of you."

"I didn't know you cared." She mocked.

"I don't," He growled. "I just don't want to deal with a sobbing mess."

"Goodbye Daiki. Make sure you make it to practice tomorrow."

"Yeah, yeah alright, see you Momoi."

Momoi rushed home, showered and changed into a nice dress. Bidding her mother a goodbye before making her way to the bus stop. She pressed a buzzer at the apartment building.

"I'll let you up." The voice replied. The buzzer sounded and Momoi made her went up the elevator and knocked on Haru's door. Haru was wearing a apron, but underneath he wore a button up shirt and black jeans when he opened the door. He let her in and went back into the kitchen. Momoi noticed his apartment was bare. Haru popped his head around the wall.

" I've just moved it, you can sit."

She barely sat down when Haru joined her placing a grilled fish in front of her. Her nose was filled with the fishy essence, with lemon and thyme. Haru had already started eating and was staring at her. She placed a piece of the fish in her mouth and her mouth exploded in flavour.

"This is so good." She exclaimed stuffing her face, she looked up and saw Haru with a smirk on his face, she blushed lightly and smiled.

"Why did you choose Tōō to do your placement?"

"I didn't."

"Oh." Momoi whispered. "Are you enjoying your time at the moment?"

Haru shrugged indifferently. "I have to video call Makoto, did you want to join me?"

Momoi smiled and nodded. Haru turned on his laptop and slowly managed to work the video chat. Makoto was sitting on the other end, with his glasses perched on his nose.

"Haru." He smiled happily, "Momoi?"

"Hey Makoto." She smiled. "Look who I found."

"You live in Tōō?"

"Yeah, I go to the High School Haru is working at. Pretty cool huh?"

"Very. Did you have a good first day?"

"Yes." Haru nodded and sighed. "I'm not with the Swim Club though."



"I'm sorry Haru, but I have to go. I'm glad to see you're okay. I'll talk to you tomorrow night. Bye Momoi." They waved as Makoto smiled and hung up on them.

Momoi looked at the time on Haru's laptop and gasped. "I'd better go, thank you for the dinner Haru. I'll see you tomorrow."

She kissed him lightly on cheek and bid him goodnight. Haru sat there for a few minutes before he began tiding up the leftovers of dinner. After he ran himself a bath and soaked for a couple of hours, his mind blank. He collapsed on his bed and fell asleep instantly.

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