Home Economics

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The next couple of days before the start of the basketball competition, Aomine had turned up to every training scheduled, hoping and expecting a certain raven haired man to make his presence. His heart would flutter whenever Haru glanced at him from the corner of his eye. A practice game was under way, Aomine making shot after shot, trying to impress Haruka. To the basketball player's dismay, the swimmer was helping Momoi move boxes around the gym. Aomine had stopped moving and was watching the way the swimmer would bend over. The way he would stand back up right, made Aomine's head dizzy. Aomine lost his breath suddenly when something collided with his stomach.

"What the hell?!" He snapped at Wakamatsu.

"You were open." The captain smirked, walking over to him. "It's not my fault you were making goo goo eyes at Haru."

"I wasn't!" Aomine denied, picking up the ball and passing it to Sakurai, letting him take the shot. Wakamatsu just rolled his eyes and slapped the boy over the head.

"Pay attention." He ordered, Aomine sighed and ran ahead, his thoughts surrounding him feeling the firmness of Haruka's butt. Aomine was so absorbed by the thought he didn't see the bag on the floor and he yelped as his fell. Momoi was over in an instant, fussing over him.

"I'm fine woman. Leave me be." Aomine swatted her away. He leaned on his foot and cringed in pain, falling back on his bum. He muttered a shit under his breath and felt a arm under his pit. He peeked up to see Haru trying to help him up. Wakamatsu nudged Haruka away and lifted Aomine up and they stumbled over to the bench and Aomine slumped down. Haru was in front of him, feeling his ankle.

"Ouch!" Aomine flinched away in pain. "That hurt."

"Don't be such a baby." Haruka yanked his leg back, "I'll wrap it up."

Aomine let Haruka do what he wills, watching him dreamily the whole time, the pain seeming like a distant memory. Haruka looked up when he was done, noticing the look on Aomine's face and decided to whack the sore ankle, smirking as Aomine's dreamy glaze was replaced with pain and anger.

"Haru, the hell did you do that for?" Aomine grumbled, clutching his ankle.

"Look where you're going next time." Haruka crossed his arms.

"What's a bag doing in the middle of the court anyway?" Aomine countered.

"It wasn't." Aomine followed Haruka's finger to see the sports bag placed against the wall, a few feet away from the court. The basketball player furrowed his brows in confusion and frowned.

"How did I end up over there?"

Haru shrugged his shoulders as he placed his bandages back into his bag. Aomine noticed his team mates snickering to one another and pointed to Haruka to help the confused Ace out. Aomine groaned internally and knew he was never going to live this down.

"Alright boys, gather round." The coach entered the gym, holding a cream folder, waving the boys over. Haruka offered his hand and Aomine hit it aside, grumbling about being treated like he was fragile and followed his team mates leaving a amused Haru to trail behind. Aomine's face fell as he approached and found the cream folder was filled with the grades of the team. Aomine wasn't the smartest kid, he knew that, his grades average, it didn't help he never went to class, but he knew buried in the mound of paper was a fail for Home Economics. Aomine assumed Home Economics would have been an easy subject, taking it up as a flunk class, but quickly realising his mistake. Cooking was not his strong point, sewing was even worse, burning everything he cooked, pricking his finger on the needles. Swearing strongly when he did.

"To play in the competition your grades must be passing. Most of you are eligible to play, a couple of you..." The couch eyed Aomine, "...Have some work to do."

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