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Deep breaths,

She tries to calm down.

Shaking hands,

She can't show her fear.

Her uncertainty.

If they see how afraid she is,

She'll get hurt.

Her small steps seem to echo 

Down the tauntingly silent corridors.

Small, staring faces peek out of the shadows in the hallway.

Her unsteady breath comes in short gasps.

Her hand lingers on a door handle.

For a moment, she considered turning around and trying to escape this prison.

But, that would be stupid. Foolish. Wouldn't it? 

They would find her. 

Punish her.

Her small hand slowly twists the rusty door handle,

And the door slowly creaks open to reveal sad, dirty faces of children who would have once been similar to her.

The adult at the front of the room turns around. 

She seems to have a permanent permanent scowl on her face. 

Suddenly, the woman's face lifts into a bright, genuine smile.

She points to an empty seat near the back of the class, next to a tiny dark haired girl with two braids.

"Children, this is our new student. Try and make her feel welcome!"

Many small faces peered back at her,

Curious and excited at the thought of a possible new friend at school.


Comment if you're from the Philippines!! :) 

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