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When she saw herself,

She saw something broken beyond repair.

She saw something that wasn't pretty or kind or nice,

Something that wasn't smart or loveable.

What she saw was a sad, lonely girl

With a broken heart and something missing.

She saw late nights and tear stained cheeks,

And she saw pained silences and forced smiles.

She saw a broken girl

Who wasn't good enough.

When he saw her,

He saw her beautiful long hair.

He saw her slightly crooked smile and her sweet dimples.

He saw her curvy figure

And her fun personality.

He didn't see a girl broken beyond repair,

He saw a girl who had been hurt,

A girl who he was willing to heal and fix.

He saw her caring nature,

And her hard working personality.

He saw something he knew he could love.

He saw something he knew he did love.

He saw the way the moonlight played with her hair,

And the way the stars sparkled in her eyes.

He saw the way the sunlight danced across her face,

Setting it aglow.

He saw himself holding her in his arms

And he saw himself kissing her scars

And brushing away the tears on her cheeks.

But most of all,

He saw her as someone so incredibly perfect and beautiful

That he could not help 

Falling in love with her.

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