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I am suspended high in the air.

The only thing keeping me from falling 

Is this long, thin tightrope of happiness,

And the destination.

I can see you,

Waiting at the end for me.

If I can get through this,

If I don't fall, 

I can have you.

I can love you.

But then, 

Like every other time I try not to fall,

Along comes the wind.

At first, it is just a gentle breeze 

Blowing through my hair,

But before I've noticed the change, 

It is pounding on my back,

Just begging me to fall.

And I do.

I'm not that strong. 

I fall again, deeper this time,

Into the dark pits of depression.

Into the dark pits of hell.


Hey guys- i wasnt going to say the word depression in this poem, but i still wanted you guys to know what it was about. It kind of reflects what it is like falling into depression again, and the struggle to try and not get depressed, if that makes sense. Some of you might relate to this feeling if you've been depressed before :(  

And thank you so much for the 3,200+ READS!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS!! :D 

And by the way, i know that if someone doesn't understand someone else's poetry, then they're not meant to, but i still feel the need to explain it to them haha :D

AND IM NEARLY AT 100 CHAPTERS! im thinking of ending this book at 100 chapters, but it really depends. if i end up writing way more poetry, i think i'll put it in another book instead of making this one too long. Let me know what you think!! :D

And sorry for the long authors note!! :D

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